Fri 30 October 2020

The highlight today was Ogstonā€™s fifth Grey Phalarope, a first-winter found just before ten this morning in Chapel Bay and still present at dusk. Previous records were 4 Nov & 1 Dec 1984, 16 Oct 1987 and 27 Oct 2008. Also 72 Teal, 10 Gadwall, 2 Goldeneye, a Swallow over the car park mid-morning and a single Crossbill. Vis-mig at Highoredish produced c150 Pinkfeet SE, 123 Fieldfares, 75 Redwings, 40 Chaffinches, 5 Bramblings, 10 Redpolls, 4 Siskins, 2 Skylarks, 5 Mipits and a Raven.

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