Four members turned out for the penultimate work party of 2016. The main aim was to improve the amount of light reaching the edges of the enclosed garden area (Cyril’s Patch). The ground vegetation had been cut in preparation so it just remained to rake this up, then most of the loose rocks were moved to underneath the hedge allowing us to attend to cutting out the higher overhanging branches. Finally, selective pruning of the lowest branches and the end result admired – a much more open and light area without losing the feel of a naturally growing hedgerow. Amongst all this activity, the Membership Secretary found time to tend to the planted willows and the rest started clearing tall vegetation from the Hide Pond area.
- Unidentified lichen on the 5-bar gate
- The Membership Secretary works her charms on an unimpressed bystander.
- “I’m a celebrity, get me out of here!”