Blue tit, GS Woodpecker, Wood Pigeon, Long-tailed tit, Great tit, Blue tit, Buzzard, House Martin, Wren.
1 Small Copper, 1 GV White, 3 Red Admiral, 5 Small Tortoiseshell, 2 Peacock, 1 Comma, 4 Speckled Wood, 1 Common Blue. (The majority of the butterflies could be found on the Buddleia which was still flowering in the garden area)
5 Southern Hawker, 2 Emerald Damselfly, 10+ Common Darter, 1 Azure.
Red-legged Shieldbug, Silver-y moth, an ichneumon (Achaius oratorius), a marsh fly (Sepedon sphegea)
- Sepedon sphegea
- Red-legged Shieldbug
- Fig gall on Elm
Fig Gall on Elm (causer:Tetraneura ulmi)