Lawrence Field Padley Trip Report – 8/5/24

  1. 16 members enjoyed a successful trip on a very pleasant day with very little wind making it ideal for hearing and identifying bird calls and song. Very quiet as we made our way across the moor but upon reaching the edge of the woodland, Willow Warblers dominated the variety of sounds. For a bit of a change a Great Spotted Woodpecker flew past and a most handsome male Stonechat posed atop a tiny birch.

A fine male Pied Flycatcher

Traversing above the wood, the first of the target species was seen in the form of a male and female Pied Flycatcher. Moving on, with the temperature increasing, a Tree Pipit stirred itself sufficiently to perform a single song flight.

At last the Redstart was located

At the corner gate, we heard a Redstart for the first time, singing close by but couldn’t locate it. Dropping down into Padley Gorge, we saw a few more Pied Fly before being drawn to the singing Redstart which was located eventually, posing at the top of a tree. The show off bird continued to perform, mesmerising members who showed no inclination to move on. Eventually they

Treecreeper with food approaching the nest

were prized away after hearing that a Treecreeper’s nest had been located. On our way out of the valley, a very pretty Grey Wagtail entertained.

Grey Wagtail

After Padley it was off to Barbrook where Andrew promised us a Whinchat and being a


man of his word, delivered one on top of a small bush. Later in the woodland, another Redstart was seen and a further two Pied Flycatchers.

Redstart at Barbrook

29 species identified – photos by David Griffin Rob Simmons and Martin Kaye with the group by Bill Padley.

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