Report on trip to Blacktoft Sands 23/11/16

Eight members had a fabulous day at this RSPB reserve. The weather was dry much of the time although it was quite cold especially inside the hides. Some folks actually tried going outside in an effort to warm up in the weak autumn sunshine.

Forty nine species were clocked up, the highlights being excellent views of lots of Common Snipe which seem to be attracted in by the new developments.

Four of the many Common Snipe

Four of the many Common Snipe

In addition to this we were lucky enough to see a Jack Snipe from the Marshland Hide. By the time a camera was stuck onto the eyepiece of one of the scopes, it was taking a nap but if you check the photo carefully, you’ll be able to see the dark crown in an otherwise beautifully camouflaged bird. (Double click the photo to get a bigger image).

One of the target species for this trip was the Hen Harrier. Sadly we missed the one in the morning and none had appeared before we left at dusk. However, we did get to see a Kingfisher speeding past, a Great White Egret, great views of Bearded Tits with their colours enhanced by the setting sun, a female Merlin flashing her beautifully barred tail from her perch before flying off like a fighter plane to persecute a Buzzard and as darkness brought the day to an end, more than ten Marsh Harriers coming in to roost in the reed bed.

Just as were about to leave, a Barn Owl flew across the reeds – icing on the cake!

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JMNR – 15th October 2016 work party report

Four members turned out for the penultimate work party of 2016. The main aim was to improve the amount of light reaching the edges of the enclosed garden area (Cyril’s Patch). The ground vegetation had been cut in preparation so it just remained to rake this up, then most of the loose rocks were moved to underneath the hedge allowing us to attend to cutting out the higher overhanging branches. Finally, selective pruning of the lowest branches and the end result admired – a much more open and light area without losing the feel of a naturally growing hedgerow. Amongst all this activity, the Membership Secretary found time to tend to the planted willows and the rest started clearing tall vegetation from the Hide Pond area.

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Membership Fees and Renewals for 2017

Join today and your membership will include the rest of 2016 and ALL of 2017!! No need to renew until January 1st 2018. What a bargain! And for all current members, please think about renewing now rather than leaving it until next year. It will really help with the admin load on the Membership Secretary. Thank you….. 😉

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1st October 2016 Guided bird walk report

Leader : Nigel Cater

Participants : 23

Conditions : Still and bright becoming dull and misty

Birds : Blackbird , Black-headed Gull, Bluetit , Bullfinch , Buzzard , Canada Goose , Carrion Crow , Chaffinch , Chiffchaff , Coal Tit , Coot , Cormorant , Dunnock , Gadwall , Goldcrest , Goldfinch , Great Crested Grebe , Great Spotted Woodpecker , Great Tit , Greenfinch , Grey Heron , Greylag Goose , Grey wagtail , House Martin , Jackdaw , Jay , Kestrel , Lapwing , Linnet , Little Grebe , Long-tailed Tit , Magpie , Mallard , Mistle Thrush , Moorhen , Mute Swan , Nuthatch , Pied Wagtail , Robin , Sparrowhawk , Starling , Stockdove , Swallow , Teal , Tufted Duck , Willow Tit , Wood Pigeon , Wren .

The bracket fungus was identified as a small example of Dryad’s saddle also known as Scaly Polypore.

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Report on trip to Frampton Marsh – 18/9/16

Eight of us had a great day at this fantastic reserve although the early risers definitely got the best pickings. It was a particularly high tide that morning with the sea coming right up to the sea wall (apparently this only happens about four times per year). As a consequence, those arriving at 08:30 got views of 5 Marsh Harriers and a Short Eared Owl. They were also lucky enough to see several Spotted Redshank and Curlew Sandpipers and a Little Stint.
Oddly enough, the reserve was rather quiet from the visitor point of view but there was plenty of avian fauna to get to grips with. All in all, the group identified 67 different species with the highlights being large flocks of Goldfinch and Linnets which were enjoying themselves on the sunflowers that have been planted around the reserve, a large flock of Common Snipe, returning Brent Geese, a solitary Wheatear on the sea wall, a Green Sandpiper identified in flight and 5 or more Yellow Wagtails. The part of the group that missed out on the owl, were however, rewarded with a lengthy close up view of a water vole munching upon a phragmites leaf.

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Birding in Costa Rica – Talk Reminder

Costa Rica has long been a top destination for bird enthusiasts with more than 850 species showing spectacular plumage. Ogston Bird Club is pleased to invite you to join Paul Bingham for an illustrated talk on his trip to this fascinating Central American country.

Blackwell Community Centre, Woburn Close, Blackwell, Derbys, DE55 5HH

Tuesday, 27th September 2016, 7.15 for prompt 7.30 start

This will be the first of a several meetings that are planned for club members.

Can you come?! If you can, please reply: [email protected] ASAP.

Let’s make it a great evening!

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September 2016 Guided Walk Report

22 stalwart people turned out for the September walk on an overcast day. Our leader, Paul Beard, had had to withdraw through illness at the last minute (hope you are better soon, Paul) and it took several dedicated members that willingly stood in and supported the walk. With rain forecast for midday, we opted for a shorter walk to Brackenfield with a review at the Church as to where we went from there. Barely an hour after leaving the car park, the rain started and never stopped. On reaching the Church, of those left on the walk at that stage, the decision was made to return to the warmth and comfort of the hides. Well done to everyone for making it such an enjoyable event, despite the inclement weather.

Thirty-one species were noted down by the scribe: Blackbird, Blue Tit, Bullfinch, Canada Goose, Carrion Crow, Chaffinch, Coal Tit, Coot, Cormorant, Dunnock, , Goldfinch, Great Crested Grebe x7, Great Tit, Greenfinch, Grey Heron x10, Greylag Goose, House Martin, Kestrel, Little Egret, Little Grebe, Magpie, Mallard, Robin, Rook, Sand Martins, Shoveler, Snipe, Swallow , Teal, Tufted Duck, Woodpigeon,

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JMNR – 20th August 2016 work party report

Despite dire weather warnings the work party proceeded as planned, with only one significant shower as we were about to leave the site. As a result all of the ‘hay’ meadow and the paths were successfully cleared of cuttings. Due to the previous day’s rain this proved to be quite heavy work and occupied the five attendees for most of the morning, with only a short period of time left for a brief search for wildlife (reported separately). The hoped for bonfire has been left for another occasion.

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JMNR work party – Saturday 20th August 2016

A few days before this month’s work party the first of this year’s cuts of the little ‘hay meadow’ will be made. Therefore the main task will be raking up the cuttings, along with any on the paths, and barrowing them to the ‘trench’. Also, we need to have an unseasonal bonfire as quite a lot of woody material has accumulated in the fire-pit. It neither of these tasks appeal there is a hedge which needs trimming back from the path. As usual there should be time to study the wildlife, butterflies being particularly numerous at the current time.

To help at the work party, meet at the reserve on Saturday, 20th August at 9:30 am. We will finish around lunchtime. All members are welcome and no previous experience is necessary. Please wear appropriate work clothes, stout shoes, boots or wellies, and gardening gloves or equivalent. Most tools are available on-site but bring along anything you think might help such as a sturdy rake or a pair of loppers. At the time of notification insect repellent was not needed on site even though it was sunny and with little wind, but it might be worth bringing just in case.

Organised work parties take place at the Jim Mart reserve on the morning of the third Saturday in every month, except in December. For further information about the reserve visit the Jim Mart NR pages on the Ogston Bird Club website, or contact Peter Faulkner by email ([email protected]) or on 0784 214 8888 nearer the date.

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13/7/16 – Trip report for Blacktoft Sands

The club had a fabulous trip to this wonderful reserve but sadly enjoyed by only 4 members.  The weather was good except for a couple of showers which at Blacktoft, with its 6 hides, didn’t ‘interrupt play’.

All in all, 56 species were identified of which the stars were numerous:
several Spotted Redshank and Black Tailed Godwits in breeding plumage, Bearded Tits, a Water Rail, a Peregrine carrying a large item of prey, a Hobby hawking for insects over the river, and a juvenile Barn Owl that we suspect had only just fledged.  We were also entertained by the antics of the juvenile Marsh Harriers along with a courting display and a food drop between two of the parents.
We also had the opportunity to do a bit of swotting up on the eclipse plumage of Mallards, Shovelers, Gadwall and Wigeon.

Some digiscoped snaps below give a flavour but for the rest, go to the Gallery.

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