JMNR work party – 21st November 2015

The next work party will be the last one of 2015. As befits the recent weather we will be concentrating on matters watery. Operation Dipper will target the banks of the brook, starting with the area between the downstream bridge and the hide weir, with the aim of improving the habitat for Dipper, Kingfisher, Water Vole and Banded Demoiselle. Should enough people turn up we may be able to move on to clearing the north and west ditches.

To help out at the work party, meet at the reserve on Saturday, 21st November, at 9:30 am. We will finish around lunchtime. All members are welcome and no previous experience is necessary. Please wear appropriate work clothes, stout shoes, boots or wellies, and thorn-proof gardening gloves or equivalent. Loppers, secateurs and a spade would all be useful tools to bring for removing bramble runners. A couple of Cromes will be made available to aid removal of vegetation from the water. If anyone is keen to play in the brook then waders are advisable.

Organised work parties take place at the Jim Mart reserve on the morning of the third Saturday in every month, except in December. For further information about the reserve visit the Jim Mart NR pages on the Ogston Bird Club website , or contact Peter Faulkner by email ([email protected]) or by telephone (0784 214 8888).

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November 2015 Guided Walk Report

Report by Jenny Johnson, 7/11/15

Blustery winds were bound to result in our quarry hunkering down in whatever shelter presented itself. By the 10.30 rout around 22 species had been recorded including the handsome Red – breasted Goose showing well on the west bank amongst it’s Greylag companions. As the drizzle became more persistent Paul called a halt, but 4 of the 8 participants returned to the hides where recently recharged feeders were hosting various finches and tits bringing the day’s tally to 26.

Blackbird, Black-headed Gull, Blue Tit,  Bullfinch, Canada Goose, Carrion Crow, Chaffinch, Coal Tit, Coot, Cormorant, Goldfinch, Great Crested Grebe, Great Tit, Greenfinch, Grey Heron, Greylag Goose, Jay, Magpie,  Mallard,  Moorhen, Pheasant, Red- breasted Goose, Robin, Teal, Wood Pigeon, Wren.

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Will this attract you down to the hides?

Since the first stage of the autumn work has been completed on the site, it’s now a lot easier to see what’s about.  A water pipit was reported recently and without the cutting back of the vegetation, it would not have been seen.  And then there’s the kingfisher which is now being seen regularly close to the main hide.  Here’s some photos taken by one of the members to whet your appetites.

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Report on work progress at Ogston 19th Oct

A tremendous amount of work has been carried out at Ogston during September and October and as you can see from the photos below, views from either the Sue Worsey or the Main Hide, are much improved.

In the near future we hope to get a ‘JCB’ on site to clear out and remodel the scrapes in front of the Main Hide and to re-membrane and gravel the main island and the bund, spits and islands of the re-modelled scrape in front of the Main Hide.  If sufficient money is available, the moat around the big island and ditches around the reed bed just north of the Main Hide will be cleaned out by the machine.  The aim of this work is to improve the habitat for breeding birds while at the same time, enabling club members better viewing.

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Ogston Work Party – Mon 26th Oct

The work party is, as usual, scheduled for 09:30 – 12:30 although the insane and those without a home to go to, work on into the afternoon.  The work to be done includes:

1. Raking up the vegetation cut on Monday and if conditions allow, burning it.
2. Collecting the large stones littering the scrape area in front of the main hide to allow a membrane to be laid at a later date.
3. Collecting the bullrushes for composting.

Dag Marshall is running this work party so please contact him if you can make it (see below) as it is possible he may have to postpone it if his work commitments demand.

If you have a rake and/or fork, please bring them along.

email Dag

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Ospreys at Ogston

Osprey over Ogston 12th August

Osprey over Ogston 12th August

We had an amazing few weeks at Ogston with Osprey sightings being unprecedented. These hopefully being enjoyed by all. Certainly many people visited the reservoir keen to see these birds. Some never having seen an Osprey before. The sightings being regular and I don’t think anyone was disappointed. I showed a couple of new members around one Sunday afternoon and they were absolutely thrilled to see their first Osprey and watch it fishing. We now must wait and hope that they or some of them return from their wintering grounds in West Africa.

I think it is well known that one juvenile was identified by it’s ring. It is thought by the experts at Rutland that the Ospreys we have been sighting are Scottish. They have now a population who are needing to find homes at some point, and to breed.

Female Osprey 12th August 2015

Female Osprey 12th August

I would like to thank all those who have helped in any way, I am not mentioning names in case I leave somebody out. You all know who you are. Also to those valuable photos and accounts of sightings. Thank you all. I look forward to seeing more photos next year (hopefully). I also thank the Rutland project for valuable support and input. They believe that our hope of having breeding Ospreys in Derbyshire will be a success. I am told that once a male Osprey takes to our own nesting platform we will be successful.

Hopefully more sightings 2016 and onwards.

John Parlby
(Photos P Rhead)

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JMNR – 17th October 2015 work party report

JMNR work party 20151017 NM3 smlA good turnout of regulars and wheelbarrows ensured that all the key tasks were completed in good time. The advertised “monster bonfire” was more of a controlled slow-burn due to some overnight dampness, but it achieved what was asked of it in the end. There was even time for a leisurely walk around the site, during which many insects were photographed for inclusion in a separate sightings post.
Many thanks to everyone who came to help.

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Ogston Work Party – Mon 19th Oct

Yet another work party for the dedicated/foolish/those that haven’t been before.  Much the same as for previous work parties, scrub clearance, willow lopping and burning.  A lot of effort has been put in by members over the last few weeks but it is bearing some fruit with close views of perched kestrels, a sparrow hawk and a kingfisher (although not while the work party was present).  However, 2 members of one of the work parties did disturb a probable Jack Snipe so it’s clearly worth joining in.

Again, whatever your fitness, abilities and inclination, there’s always something for everyone to do.

The work party is scheduled for 09:30 – 12:30.  If you can attend, please email Martin Kaye using the link below.

email Martin

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Ogston Work Party – Thurs 15th Oct

If there’s anyone up for a bit more labour, there’s a need to burn the rubbish that we cut from the last effort on Monday.  Those without arsonist tendencies might wish to continue with scrub clearance and/or try out the club waders to clear round the dragonfly pond.  Whatever your fitness, abilities and inclination, there’s always something for everyone to do.

The work party is scheduled for 09:30 – 12:30.  If you can attend, please email Martin Kaye using the link below.

email Martin

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JMNR work party – Saturday 17th October 2015

If you need a respite from all the work parties at Ogston Reservoir, or perhaps want to help out but can only come at the weekend, then please consider joining the next work party at the Jim Mart Nature Reserve. Saturday’s weather forecast is, at the time of writing, for light cloud and a moderate breeze. Some areas of old Rosebay Willowherb and nettle, along with a section of better quality grassland, have just been cut so the main task is to remove the arisings. If enough members turn out then the work will be relatively light going, and there is the possibility of having a monster bonfire. If that is not enough to tempt you, then you might also miss the opportunity to record the second ever sighting of a Dipper at the reserve, first seen flying up and down the brook on Sunday morning.

To help out at the work party, meet at the reserve on Saturday, 17th October, at 9:30 am. We will finish around lunchtime. All members are welcome and no previous experience is necessary. Please wear appropriate work clothes, stout shoes, boots or wellies, and (nettle-proof) gardening gloves or equivalent. Bring a sturdy garden rake or pitchfork, and even a wheelbarrow, if you can.

Organised work parties take place at the Jim Mart reserve on the morning of the third Saturday in every month, except in December. For further information visit the Jim Mart NR pages on the Ogston Bird Club website , or contact Peter Faulkner by email ([email protected]) or by telephone (0784 214 8888).

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