JMNR work party – Saturday 19th September 2015

If you are disappointed at not being available to attend the first of the autumn work parties at Ogston Reservoir, or perhaps are just nursing a ‘guilty’ conscience, this can be remedied by joining the next work party at the Jim Mart Nature Reserve. Saturday’s weather forecast is, at the time of writing, for light cloud and no rain. The priority will be to remove the recently cut hay, which will be either light or heavy work depending on the amount of rainfall in the preceding days. Either way, the cut area will need raking through to lift the underlying thatch so that the seeds can fall down to bare ground. Lighter tasks will be available, including the delicate job of capturing Hogweed and Thistle seeds.

To help out at the work party, meet at the reserve on Saturday, 19th September, at 9:30 am. We will finish around lunchtime. All members are welcome and no previous experience is necessary.

Please wear appropriate work clothes, stout shoes, boots or wellies, and gardening gloves or equivalent. For the hay bring a sturdy garden rake or pitchfork, and a wheelbarrow if you can; for the seeds a pair of secateurs is all that is needed.

Organised work parties take place at the Jim Mart reserve on the morning of the third Saturday in every month, except in December. For further information visit the Jim Mart NR pages on the Ogston Bird Club website , or contact Peter Faulkner by email ([email protected]) or by telephone (0784 214 8888).

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September 2015 Guided Walk Report

This gallery contains 2 photos.

This month’s guided walk group noted a distinctly autumnal feel in the air as Paul Beard led seventeen souls on the ever popular Brackenfield loop. Large numbers of House Martins, Swallows and a few Sand Martins gathering over the reservoir … Continue reading

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Sun 13th Sept – trip to RSPB Frampton Marsh

Currently there are some interesting waders at Frampton so given good weather, next weekend could be a good time to go.  However, so that I can judge whether it is worth running this trip, I’d be grateful if you would let Martin Kaye know whether you wish to go.

Trip details and how to contact me can be found on the TRIPS/TRIPS DIARY section of the website.

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August Newsletter

The August Newsletter has now been published and can be found, and printed, on ‘About Ogston Bird Club/Newsletters’

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JMNR 15th August 2015 – work party

Despite a very wet Friday, today’s pleasant morning encouraged five members to turn out for the work party.

Whilst two members set about the main task of finishing the cutting and carting away of the worst of the rough vegetation from Cyril’s Patch, the rest had the rather less energetic task of collecting seed heads from the Hogweed plants across the reserve. The seeds are being removed before they can ripen in order to slow down the spread of plants, whilst retaining sufficient of the latter to provide dead stems over the winter and flowering heads next summer for the large insect population.

Good progress meant we had time for a walk-around to see what wildlife there was (see separate post).

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Osprey Sightings Update

Osprey over Ogston, 12th August

Osprey over Ogston, 12th August

Following my recent article I would like to thank all those who have sent photos and reports of sightings, this is very much appreciated.

We have continually seen two birds and I can now confirm that we definitely have two females. It is possible that other birds have been in the area, but there is no confirmation of this.

We are now reaching the time when the Ospreys begin their migration to Africa. Hopefully we will see birds on their journey south. The Rutland Osprey project remain supportive and very excited about what is happening in the Ogston area. Please continue to email your reports and photos to me,  [email protected]

Thanks again to you all,
John Parlby

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 15th August 2015

This month’s work party will again gather in the enclosed garden area (Cyril’s Patch) to continue reducing the volume of Hogweed and other undesired vegetation that has sprung up there.

To help out at the work party, meet at the reserve on Saturday, 15th August, at 9:30 am. We will finish around lunchtime. All members are welcome and no previous experience is necessary.

Please wear appropriate work clothes, stout shoes, boots or wellies, and gardening gloves or equivalent. We will be working with Hogweed and, whilst it is not the Giant Hogweed, nevertheless, long-sleeved clothing and eye protection remain sensible precautions. Insect repellent is also recommended at this time of year. Appropriate tools to bring, although some are available, would be a spade or sturdy garden fork and a rake or pitchfork.

Organised work parties take place at the Jim Mart reserve on the morning of the third Saturday in every month, except in December. For further information visit the Jim Mart NR pages on the Ogston Bird Club website , or contact Peter Faulkner by email ([email protected]) or by telephone (0784 214 8888).

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August 2015 Guided Bird Walk

Twenty three people met in pleasant conditions for this month’s walk to the River Amber via Brackenfield Church. John Parlby gave a brief update on the recent, almost daily, sightings of an Osprey and the current opinion on where this particular bird had been ringed.
August lived up to its reputation as a quiet month for birds and, whilst the Osprey didn’t put in an appearance, thirty eight species were recorded during the walk. Highlights were two Little Egret, Common Tern and one or two Spotted Flycatcher. There was very little bird song to be heard with Yellowhammer being the most listened to, and the least seen.
The walk’s leader, Paul Beard, returned by the same route with a loyal nine, whilst the remainder broke away and followed in Mike Conroy’s wake for a full circuit of the reservoir.

Birds: Blackbird, Blackcap, Black-headed Gull, Blue Tit, Bullfinch, Canada Goose, Carrion Crow, Chaffinch, Coal Tit, Common Buzzard, Common Tern, Coot, Cormorant, Dunnock, Goldfinch, Great-crested Grebe, Great Tit, Greenfinch, Grey Heron, Greylag Goose, Grey Wagtail, House Martin, Jay, Little Egret, Long-tailed Tit, Mallard, Mute Swan, Nuthatch, Pied Wagtail, Robin, Rook, Spotted Flycatcher, Swallow, Swift, Tufted Duck, Whitethroat, Woodpigeon, Yellowhammer.
Butterflies: Gatekeeper (Hedge Brown), Green-veined White, Large White, Meadow Brown, Small Skipper, Small Tortoiseshell, Small White.
Dragonflies: Brown Hawker.

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JMNR 18th July 2015 work party

The work party finished the monthly strimming of the main paths, raked all the cuttings into piles, and made a good start on removing the Hogweed and Cleavers from the garden area (Cyril’s patch). Not bad for three people, one part-time, however it will require a lot more work to get the garden area cleared so we will be targeting it again over the next few months.

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Osprey Sightings

If any member sees an Osprey in the vicinity of the reservoir it would be appreciated if they would make an entry in the hide diary, also please inform John Parlby ([email protected]). Please include as much information as possible, e.g. direction of birds flight etc.

Any photographic evidence would also be helpful and appreciated. Photographs will most likely be forwarded to the Osprey team at Rutland, this is needed for identification purposes and possibly tracking a birds whereabouts. Please state if you do not wish for photos to be used in this way. Some will of course copywrite their photos.

Many thanks
John Parlby

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