Nightjar trip report – 9/7/15

The second of the Nightjar trips was possibly even more successful than the first.  8 members met up on the most perfect of evenings, warm and with the gentlest of breezes.  The group were so determined to beat the previous group’s 42 species, that the recorder found himself having to delete entries such as albatross.  This time the highlights of the evening were a distant view of a kingfisher, a linnet, frequent sightings of woodcock, often silhouetted against the setting sun, a single sighting of a barn owl which flew very close and sightings of one or more nightjars.  In comparison to the June visit, there was far less churring (and 2 males only distinguished) but we had 4-5 good sightings of the bird in flight.  Just as we were leaving, the evening was made extra special when a tawny owl flew right over our heads.

Thanks to John Parlby for leading both trips which again proved to be one of the best outings of the annual programme.  
Oh, by the way, 44 species were recorded.
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iPod Found

An iPod was found in the vicinity of Ogston Reservoir. Please contact John Hall, [email protected] for further details. 

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July 4th 2015 Guided Bird Walk Report

Paul Beard led the groups walk on a dry sunny morning. Attendance of fourteen was low; possibly the previous night’s lightning and heavy rain put some people off. Using footpaths and quiet roads the walk to Highoredish provided glorious views thought the number of birds seen was average. We did however have time to study the orchids, butterflies and dragonflies on route.
Birds seen were; Blackcap, Blackbird, Blue Tit, Bullfinch, Buzzard, Canada Goose, Chiffchaff, Common Tern, Coot, Cormorant, Crow, Common Whitethroat, Dunnock, Goldfinch, Greylag Goose, Grey Heron, Great Crested Grebe, Great Tit, Jackdaw, Lapwing, Mallard, Magpie, Moorhen, Mistle Thrush, Pied Wagtail, Rook, Robin, Song Thrush, Swallow, Swift, Spotted Flycatcher, Wren & Yellowhammer.
A fox was seen by some while most saw Ringlet, Meadow Brown, Small Tortoiseshell and, Green-veinned White Butterflies. Azure and Large Red Damselflies and lots of baby frogs were also seen.

Philip Needham.

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CANCELLED – Alport Castles trip – Tues 14/7/15

This trip has been cancelled because of the poor weather forecast.  It will be rescheduled if a more favourable opportunity arises. 

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Clumber – Nightjars trip report – 25/6/15

A most successful trip with 42 species seen/heard by a mixed group of 8 OBC and DOS members.  The highlights included good but distant views of a kingfisher, a buzzard, linnets, yellow hammer, repeated sightings of a hunting barn owl, 5 or 6 separate views of flying woodcock and finally, a couple of views of a flying nightjar.  We heard 3 churring males which is similar to that of previous years, but sadly, the young trees growing within the clearing have now reached a critical height that makes viewing these birds particularly difficult.  Consequently, we may have to find a new location next year for this popular trip.

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Monthly Bird Walk – Sat July 4th 9.30

Our Monthly Bird Walk, open and free to Members and non Members alike will start from the Ogston Reservoir West Bank Car Park at 9.30 this Saturday.  As usual, Paul Beard will lead us and identification advice is always on hand. Please be prepared for the weather and wear appropriate footwear.   The walk is of a gentle pace and we aim to finish about Noon.

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The Flora of Derbyshire

Below is an article which may be of interest to some members regarding the recent publication of the excellent book The Flora of Derbyshire.

Continue reading

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Cancelled – Frampton Trip on 9th August 2015

This trip now clashes with the ‘Hen Harrier Day’ which is being organised in the Peak District. As a consequence, the committee decided that in order to allow all members the opportunity to support Hen Harriers, it would be best to remove it from the trips schedule.  However, the later trip to Frampton on the 13th Sept is still available

Final details for the Hen Harrier Day have not yet been decided but folks can get updated by looking at:

You can also catch up with the horrendous situation our Hen Harriers are in by looking at:

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Annesley Pit top Trip Report 23/6/15

5 members attended, although possibly more to support the trips organiser than with any great expectation of good birding.  However, the faithful were richly rewarded with 33 bird species recorded and the pleasure of being surrounded by a profusion of wild flowers.

The highlights included the large numbers of orchids, kestrel, peregrine and 3 buzzards, 5 species of warbler, swifts and all the common hirundines, 5 little ringed plovers plus several oyster catchers.  In addition, we were constantly serenaded around the reserve by skylarks, reed buntings and yellow hammers. However, the star of the show had to be black necked grebes.  We spent ages trying to photograph them and eventually they did get quite close.  On the most distant easterly lake there were three adults while on the middle upper lake, there were three adults and a chick (see photos).

All agreed this trip to be a resounding success with members determined to independently visit it in the future.

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25th June and 1st July evening Nightjar trips

There are still a few places left on both nightjar trips this Thursday evening and next Wed evening.  Note, booking is essential – don’t just turn up because we are only allowed a certain number.  Details on the TRIPS section of our website.



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