2015 A.G.M.

AGM – Thursday May 14th 2015 – North Wingfield Community Centre, Whiteleas Avenue, Northwingfield,  S42 5PW, starting at 7.30 pm

After the formal proceedings are over, we welcome Paul Bennett to talk to us about the new RSPB Reserves at Langford Lowfields & Beckingham Marshes.

The following 2014/15 Committee members have confirmed that they are prepared to stand for the 2015/16 Committee and have been Proposed and Seconded as shown below.

Keith Turton            – Proposed – John Parlby,                    Second – Peter Birley

John Parlby              – Proposed – Peter Birley,                    Second – Steve Slack

Peter Birley             – Proposed – Steve Slack,                     Second – Jeff Davis

Steve Slack               – Proposed – Jeff Davis,                        Second – Martin Kaye

Geoff Davis              – Proposed – Martin Kaye,                   Second – Mike Conroy

Martin Kaye             – Proposed – Mike Conroy,                  Second – Jenny Marshall

Mike Conroy            – Proposed – Jenny Marshall,              Second – Dag Marshall

Jenny Marshall        – Proposed – Dag Marshall,                  Second – Frank Wharram

Dag Marshall            – Proposed – Frank Wharram,             Second – Keith Turton

Frank Wharram       – Proposed – Keith Turton,                   Second – John Parlby

Any fully paid up member of Club who wishes to stand for the Committee must write to the Secretary to apply.

The application should also include a proposer and seconder who should be fully paid members of Club.

Full names, addresses of the proposer and seconder must be included on the application which must be signed by both.

The application should be with the Secretary should be received 14 days before the AGM date.

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 18th April 2015

Dry, if lightly clouded, weather is currently forecast for this month’s work party. The long outstanding task of barrowing soil from the pumphouse area to level out sections of the paths remains top of the list. As always there are other jobs to be getting on with if shifting soil isn’t your thing.

To help out at the work party, meet at the reserve on Saturday, 18th April, at 9:30 am. We will finish around lunchtime.

All members are welcome and no previous experience is necessary. Please wear appropriate work clothes, stout shoes, boots or wellies, and gardening gloves or equivalent. Appropriate tools to bring, although some are available, would be a shovel or spade, rake, and a garden sieve (circa half-inch mesh)!

Organised work parties take place at the Jim Mart reserve on the morning of the third Saturday in every month, except in December. For further information visit the Jim Mart NR pages on the Ogston Bird Club website, or contact Peter Faulkner by email ([email protected]) or by telephone (0784 214 8888).

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April 2015 Guided Bird Walk Report

Under a grey sky and urged on by a chilly breeze, a dozen or so souls set off, with Paul Beard in the lead, for the April walk. There was little call for lingering, at least until the fields had been crossed to the shelter of the woods at Clattercoates Farm. Highoredish was shunned in favour of the calmer airs of White Carr Lane, then along the hedges to Carr Lane and into Brackenfield amid tantalising glimpses of sunshine. The return to the car park was made via the church and west bank of the reservoir.
Despite the less than spring-like morning a decent count of 55 species was obtained, with many a Chiffchaff ‘finding it’s voice’ along the way:
Barn Swallow, Blackbird, Black-headed Gull, Blue Tit, Bullfinch, Canada Goose, Carrion Crow, Chaffinch, Chiffchaff, Coal Tit, Collared Dove, Common Buzzard, Common Gull, Coot, Cormorant, Dunnock, Gadwall, Goldcrest, Goldeneye, Goldfinch, Great Crested Grebe, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Great Tit, Greenfinch, Grey Heron, Greylag Goose, House Sparrow, Jackdaw, Jay, Kestrel, Lapwing, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Long-tailed Tit, Magpie, Mallard, Mistle Thrush, Moorhen, Nuthatch, Oystercatcher, Pheasant, Pied Wagtail, Redwing, Reed Bunting, Robin, Rook, Snipe, Song Thrush, Starling, Stock Dove, Teal, Treecreeper, Tufted Duck, Woodpigeon, Wren, Yellowhammer.

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29th March 2015

Derbyshire 3rd Winter Iceland Gull Carr Vale NR 09:30 + 2 Garganey SK459701

Derbyshire Great Grey Shrike N/of Matlock NE/of Rowsley by Beeley Road at Beeley Triangle 08:45 SK295675

Nottinghamshire Glossy Ibis just SW/of Gonalston NW/of minor road at Carr Beck Cottage SK677473

Nottinghamshire Drake American Wigeon Holme Pierrepont on A52 Pit SK625395

Nottinghamshire Great White Egret till 09:20 Attenborough NR then flew W/twds Long Eaton GPs NG9 6DY SK516340

Nottinghamshire Great White Egret Attenborough NR on Clifton Pond NG9 6DY SK516340

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28th March 2015

Derbyshire 3rd Winter Iceland Gull Carr Vale NR mid mrng + 2 Drake Garganey SK459701

Derbyshire Adult Great Northern Diver Carsington Water + Jack Snipe showing well from wildlife centre mid mrng DE6 1ST SK241515

Nottinghamshire Glossy Ibis Gonalston in wet field NW/of minor road at Carr Beck Cottage SK676471

Nottinghamshire Drake American Wigeon Holme Pierrepont on A52 Pit. Please don’t enter fields SK625395

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27th March 2015

Derbyshire 2 Great Grey Shrike on Beeley Moor at Beeley Triangle SK293677

Derbyshire 3rd Winter Iceland Gull Carr Vale NR 13:40 viewable from The Mound + 2 Drake Garganey SK459701

Derbyshire 2 Drake Garganey Carr Vale NR at 09:19 SK459701

Derbyshire Cetti’s Warbler Carr Vale NR singing from Reedbed Hide at 09:30 SK459701

Nottinghamshire Glossy Ibis Gonalston .From A612 take Dover Beck off A612 towards Gonalston Lane to view wet fields by bend near Carr Beck Cottage SK676471

Nottinghamshire Drake American Wigeon Holme Pierrepont on A52 Pit. Please don’t enter fields SK625395

Nottinghamshire Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Gonalston on feeder in garden at Carr Beck Cottage late a/noon SK676471

Nottinghamshire 2nd Summer Med Gull Hoveringham GPs on Railway Pit early a/noon SK699478

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Scottish Trip to Nethy Bridge – 2 places available

Two places have recently become available on the club’s trip to the Aviemore area.  Details are as follows:

  • Transport minibus door to door
  • Leaving evening of Thurs 16th April and driving up overnight
  • Return date Friday 24th April
  • Accommodation hotel – half board (breakfast + evening meal included)
  • Cost – £600 all in (the minimum extras to find would be cost of lunches and evening drinks)
  • Birds and weather not guaranteed but both can be spectacular

To see the kind of intended activities, have a look at the trip report for last year on the website (TRIPS / TRIP REPORTS).

Those of you who are interested should contact Dave Marshall ([email protected] – 07863 208400) as soon as possible.

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26th March 2015

Derbyshire Adult Great Northern Diver Carsington Water at 11:00 DE6 1ST SK241515

Derbyshire 2 Drake Garganey Carr Vale NR at 10:50 SK459701

Nottinghamshire Glossy Ibis Gonalston late a/noon .From A612 take Dover Beck off A612 towards Gonalston Lane to view wet fields by bend near Carr Beck Cottage SK676471

Nottinghamshire 3 Brent Goose Holme Pierrepont on Blotts Pit at 08:15 SK625395

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25th March 2015

Derbyshire Rock Pipit Carsington Water on Stones Island + AD Great Northern Diver & Jack Snipe on Horseshoe Island DE6 1ST

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24th March 2015

Derbyshire Rock Pipit Carsington Water on Stones Island + AD Great Northern Diver & Jack Snipe on Horseshoe Island DE6 1ST

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