December 2014 guided bird walk

‘Twas a finger-numbing , windscreen – scraping start to the day for those of us with so much clutter in our garages they hadn’t seen a car in decades . However compensation was a clear blue sky , perfect reflections on the reservoir surface and frozen ground keeping mud -slicks to a minimum.

Paul Beard led 14 of us on a favourite route to Ashover Hay via Smithy Cottage , wood and fields to Brown Lane, and eventually back through  Clattercotes Farm .As with last month’s walk views were extensive .To Hardwick Hall and Bolsover Castle across the valley, and in the opposite direction the sun picked out detail of ledges in Milltown Quarry , and Ashover Chuch beyond, nestling below Ashover Rock .

Several parties of Redwings were seen in the thickets . A couple of folk managed to spot an elusive Raven which had been heard , and several of us witnessed a Buzzard plunge from a tree , pick up prey and then cheekily  begin to devour it atop an aerial on a nearby cottage !!

43 species were recorded with a few ” was its ?” and ” possibly a …. ”  which eluded positive identification and are therefore not included in the tally.

Great Crested Grebe , Cormorant, Grey Heron , Canada Goose, Wigeon , Mallard , Teal , Pochard , Tufted Duck , Buzzard , Coot , Lapwing , Black-headed Gull ,Lesser Black-backed Gull, Great Black-backed Gull ,Woodpigeon , Pied Wagtail ,Wren , Dunnock , Robin , Redwing , Fieldfare , Song Thrush , Mistle Thrush , Blackbird , Goldcrest , Long-tailed Tit , Blue Tit , Great Tit , Coal Tit , Nuthatch , Treecreeper , Jay , Magpie , Jackdaw , Raven , Carrion Crow , House Sparrow , Starling , Bullfinch ,Chaffinch , Greenfinch , Goldfinch.

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Bempton Cliffs (RSPB) – 10/5/15

Date: 10/05/2015 Meeting Point: RSPB Bempton carpark, YO15 1JF (TA197738)  Time: 9:30 Lunch: bring packed lunch
Transport: Members cars Cost: free for RSPB members, approx £4 non-members, Leader: Martin Kaye Numbers Limit: None.

Although a long drive, starting early to avoid the traffic, it takes 2 hours from Chesterfield. This is a great reserve for getting very close to cliff nesting sea birds such as puffins, gannets, guillemots, razorbills, kittiwakes and fulmars. Kids and photographers (of all abilities) love it! Also, there’s a real opportunity to view corn buntings and peregrine falcons.
While there are no hides, there are 5 cliff-top viewpoints.
Easy cliff top walking to suit all tastes. For the more energetic it’s 4 km to Thornwick Bay and 7 km to Flamborough Head but don’t forget you have to return.

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John Tagg

Many of you will remember a long standing member of Ogston Bird Club, John Tagg, I am sorry to let you know that I have been informed by Maggie Campbell he has died.

Anyone who would like to attend the funeral, the arrangements are as follows:-

Thursday 4th December at 11.10am at Chesterfield Crematorium.

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 15th November 2014

The November work party will be the final one for this year, so we aim to finish the clearance of vegetation from the surroundings of the Hide Pond. We will then move on to removing bramble ‘runners’ from where they are encroaching into grassland habitat. If anyone would prefer to check and clean out the reserve’s nest boxes, or to assist with the bonfire, then that would be welcome.

Repeat notice – On a separate subject, the establishment of a large ‘insect hotel’ or ‘wildlife stack’ on the reserve would be an asset. This could be a good stand-alone project for one or two club members to champion, with the only stipulations being that it should not require submission of a planning application to the local council, should use 100% recycled materials and should require close to zero maintenance. Everything else is open to discussion and imagination – if anyone is keen to take this on then drop me an email initially (see below) or speak to me at the work party/monthly bird walk.

To help out at the next work party, meet at the reserve on Saturday, 15th November, at 9:30 am. We will finish around lunchtime.

All members are welcome and no previous experience is necessary. Please wear appropriate work clothes, stout shoes, boots or wellies, and gardening gloves or equivalent. Appropriate tools to bring, although some are available, would be hedge clippers/shears, loppers, garden fork or spade, rake. For the nest box cleaning a pair of ‘Marigold’ type household gloves are useful; the reserve has a folding step ladder but a short single section ladder would be more practical.

Organised work parties take place at the Jim Mart reserve on the morning of the third Saturday in every month, except in December. For further information contact Peter Faulkner by email ([email protected]) or by telephone (0784 214 8888).

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November 2015 Guided Bird Walk Report

This glorious balmy morning was bound to swell numbers of participants and so 21 of us set out for Highoredish with Paul Beard , our leader ,  to the fore. We were not the only ones abroad in the sunshine , every ivy patch yielding it’s nectar to a host of flies and wasps .Comma , Red Admiral and possibly a Painted Lady were also on the wing .

Birding aside it was a day for lingering to admire the autumn colours in the undulating landscape , spotting fungi in the wet grass ( at least a dozen species ) , and viewing  distant church spires and landmarks on reaching our destination . 

As usual the initial reaction was ” there’s not much about ” but the tally rose as did we !!  Buzzards circling below us near Clattercotes , flights of migrant Redwings and Fieldfares , and a flock of approximately 18 Yellowhammers were perhaps the highlights . The species count for the main walk was 32 boosted to 40 as a couple of folk diverted to the hide and another couple ambled along the West bank for a spell at the end . 

Great Crested Grebe , Cormorant, Grey Heron , Mallard, Teal, Shoveler , Tufted Duck hybrid, Buzzard, Kestrel , Pheasant , Moorhen , Lapwing ,Common Snipe , Black-headed Gull , Lesser Black-backed Gull, Wood Pigeon, Stock Dove , Pied Wagtail ,Wren ,Dunnock , Robin ,Fieldfare, Redwing,  Blackbird , Long-tailed Tit , Blue Tit , Great tit , Coal Tit , Nuthatch , Jay , Magpie , Jackdaw , Rook , Carrion Crow , House Sparrow , Starling ,Bullfinch ,Chaffinch , Goldfinch , Yellowhammer ,  

Plants still in flower : Ivy, Daisy,  Water – lily , Shepherd’s purse , Mouse-ear Chickweed, Bramble , Hogweed, Betony, Harebell, White and Red Clover , Herb Robert, Scabious , Dandelion , Hawkbit , Buttercup, Gorse .

Jennifer Johnson

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Improved view from Sue Worsley hide


Kingfisher pond


Dragonfly pond

Further scrub clearance took place today giving a much improved view from two of the three windows in the Sue Worsley hide.  Thanks to the three committee members who carried out the work.

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JMNR 18th October 2014

Just two members braved the unseasonably mild and dry conditions and the light breezes to tackle maintenance work at the club’s nature reserve this morning. As a result it was not possible to clear all of the vegetation round the Hide Pond as planned, but at least a good start was made.

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Work party successes – Sun 12th Oct


Scrapes in full view

On a gorgeous Sunday morning, eleven members of the club made a tremendous difference to the view from the main hide.  The pictures below, which were taken from the main hide, speak for themselves.


Island fully visible

Many thanks to those that turned up.  The next working party will again be advertised with a view to even more of you turning up.

Now members can get a really good view of any birds landing in front of the main hide.  Sue Worsley hide next?!


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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 18th October 2014

The October work party will be concentrating on clearing vegetation from the surroundings of the Hide Pond. It will involve pulling up, digging out, cutting down and carting away most of the taller perennials and brambles to return some of the banks to a more open aspect, whilst still leaving some secluded areas. Please note that, for safety reasons, no one should enter the water of the Hide Pond.

On a separate subject, the establishment of a large ‘insect hotel’ or ‘wildlife stack’ on the reserve would be an asset. This could be a good stand-alone project for one or two club members to champion, with the only stipulations being that it should not require submission of a planning application to the local council, should use 100% recycled materials and should require close to zero maintenance. Everything else is open to discussion and imagination – if anyone is keen to take this on then drop me an email initially (see below) or speak to me at the work party.

To help out at the next work party, meet at the reserve on Saturday, 18th October, at 9:30 am. We will finish around lunchtime.

All members are welcome and no previous experience is necessary. Please wear appropriate work clothes, stout shoes, boots or wellies, and gardening gloves or equivalent. Appropriate tools to bring, although some are available, would be hedge clippers/shears, loppers, garden fork or spade, rake.

Organised work parties take place at the Jim Mart reserve on the morning of the third Saturday in every month, except in December. For further information contact Peter Faulkner by email ([email protected]) or by telephone (0784 214 8888).

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Frampton Marsh Trip Report – 5.10.14.

Six members attended this trip and although a bit chilly, enjoyed excellent sunny weather which was perfect for walking around this extensive reserve.
48 species were observed including Stonechat, Whinchat, Wheatear, Pintail,



Black Tailed Godwit

Black-tailed Godwit, Curlew Sandpiper and Glossy Ibis.  Sadly, we weren’t able to ‘connect’ with the Little Stint and Pectoral Sandpiper which had been reported on the reserve’s website.
Interestingly while walking round the site, we bumped into a further two members who were visiting Frampton independently of the trip (clearly a popular place).


Glossy Ibis

Thanks to John Parlby for acting as group leader in the absence of Martin Kaye and for taking the photos.  This is one of John’s favourite bird watching sites and he cannot recommend it highly enough to members.



Grumpy looking Little Egret

The club will be running a trip next year although the timing may be brought forward to a Sunday in September with a view to catching more of the returning migrants (with possibly some still in breeding plumage).

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