October 2014 guided bird walk

A select party of 3 intrepid birders joined  leader Jeff Davies ( normally backmarker and whipper-in ) , on this blustery, finger-chilling and sometimes wet October walk . Assembling first in the  shelter of the hide the species list soon climbed , as  the usual tits and finches were at the feeders and several duck species , Snipe and Lapwings were  on  the shore.

It was decided to  head for Chapel Bay first in the hope of seeing Pintail and Goldeneye that were reputedly present . These remained elusive but we did spot a colourful Mandarin Duck amonst the Mallards and Teal from the North Car Park .We then retraced our footsteps and strolled along towards the Carr Pond area where black clouds were looming once again   !!

By the time we got back, although not a long jaunt , 43 species had been seen , a lone Buzzard circling  at the last concluding an enjoyable morning .

Great Crested Grebe , Little Grebe , Cormorant , Grey Heron , Mallard , Teal , Tufted Duck ,  Shoveler , Wigeon , Mandarin  Duck , Canada Goose , Greylag Goose , Mute Swan , Buzzard , Nuthatch , Moorhen , Coot , Lapwng , Common Snipe ,  Lesser Black-backed Gull , Yellow -legged Gull , Black- headed Gull , Woodpigeon , Great Spotted Woodpecker , Rook , Carrion Crow , Jackdaw , Magpie , Jay , Blue Tit , Great Tit , Long-tailed Tit , Wren , Blackbird , Mistle Thrush , Robin , Dunnock , Pied Wagtail, Goldfinch , Chaffinch , Greenfinch , Bullfinch , Reed Bunting .

Jennifer Johnson

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Ogston Work Party

There will be a work party to clear scrub in front of the main hide and Sue Worsey hide, clear the channels and a general tidy up on Sunday 12th October 09:30 to 12:30 please come and help, if possible bring spade and loppers

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 20th September 2014

The August work party dealt with a lot of tasks, yet the bonfire remained unlit. So, bonfire, trim back the roadside and middle hedges, reduce green algae from the bottom pond, rake mole hills and fill depressions in the paths, reverse rake and strim a section of the hay meadow, are just a few items on the menu for September’s gathering.

Meet at the reserve on Saturday, 20th September, at 9:30 am. We will finish around lunchtime.

All members are welcome and no previous experience is necessary. Please wear appropriate work clothes, stout shoes, boots or wellies, and gardening gloves or equivalent. Appropriate tools to bring, although some are available, would be hedge clippers/shears or secateurs, loppers, spade, garden rake.

Organised work parties take place at the Jim Mart reserve on the morning of the third Saturday in every month, except in December. For further information visit the Jim Mart NR pages on the website, or contact Peter Faulkner by email ([email protected]) or by telephone (0784 214 8888). Please note that this month I will not be contactable until the evening of Friday 19th.

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September 2014 Guided Bird Walk

A sharp shower sent some of the 16 of us scurrying back to raid  car boots for  rainwear. It continued dull and muggy but we had returned before more persistent drizzle set in .

At first it  appeared that few birds were abroad , only 18 species having been recorded by the time we paused at  St. Mark’s Church, Handley where John Parlby told the tale of the erection of the Osprey platform nearby . Things looked up as we passed through Woolley Moor via Beresford Lane and Temperance Hill . It was here  we heard  that a Black Tern was over the reservoir , speeding  our progress in the hope of seeing it !!  Along with this and the bushes adjacent to the car park being alive with warblers  that our total  for the day was boosted to a satisfactory 42 species .

Other excitement was caused by the sighting of a Purple Hairstreak butterfly at the top of an Ash , and the discovery of several football-sized Puff-balls , one of which found a good home in a plastic bag to be fried in butter  later !!

Thanks to Paul Beard for leading once again .

Great Crested Grebe , Little Grebe ,Cormorant, Grey Heron , Mallard , Tufted Duck , Canada Goose , Mute Swan , Buzzard, Nuthatch , Moorhen , Coot , Lesser Black -backed Gull , Black-headed Gull , Black Tern , Woodpigeon , Stock Dove , Collared Dove ,Great Spotted Woodpecker, Swallow , House Martin , Rook, Carrion Crow , Jackdaw , Magpie , Jay , Blue Tit , Long – tailed Tit , Wren , Blackbird , Robin , Blackcap , Whitethroat , Chiffchaff , Dunnock , Pied Wagtail ,Starling , Goldfinch , Greenfinch , Chaffinch , Reed Bunting ,House Sparrow .

Jennifer Johnson

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 16th August 2014

July’s work party was a bit of a washout, yet one hardy soul did brave the deluge for the whole of the morning. So, this Saturday’s tasks read like a rerun of last month’s – pulling out cleavers (i.e. goose-grass), raking up the grass cuttings from the paths, trimming back overhanging branches from the hedges, and removing green algae from the bottom pond. In addition the current weather forecast suggests it will a good day for a bonfire.

Meet at the reserve on Saturday, 16th August, at 9:30 am. We will finish around lunchtime.

All members are welcome and no previous experience is necessary. Please wear appropriate work clothes, stout shoes, boots or wellies, and gardening gloves or equivalent. The reserve has been unusually free of biting insects over the last couple of weeks, however it is worthwhile having some insect repellent to hand. Appropriate tools to bring, although some are available, would be hedge clippers/shears, loppers, pitchfork/garden fork, rake.

Organised work parties take place at the Jim Mart reserve on the morning of the third Saturday in every month, except in December. For further information visit the Jim Mart NR pages on the Ogston Bird Club website https://ogstonbirdclub.co.uk/ , or contact Peter Faulkner by email ([email protected]) or by telephone (0784 214 8888).

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Ogston Guided Bird Walk 2nd August 2014

With the threat of rain and rank, damp , burgeoning vegetation plastering us with moisture Paul Beard led us along the relatively dry lanes of the ” Brackenfield loop ”  instead of taking to the fields .

The 10 participants encountered 48 species of bird .Warblers skulked in the bushes, Great Spotted Woodpeckers seemed to be everywhere ,and in the vicinity of Brackenfield Green several  clouds of Linnets took to the air from behind Nether Farm .

Great Crested Grebe , Little Grebe, Cormorant , Grey Heron ,  Greylag Goose , Canada Goose , Mallard , Tufted Duck , Teal , Buzzard , Pheasant , Coot , Moorhen , Lapwing , Herring Gull, Lesser Black- backed Gull, Black-headed Gull , Common Tern , Wood Pigeon , Little Owl , Great Spotted Woodpecker , Swift,  Swallow , House Martin , Pied Wagtail ,  Magpie , Carrion Crow , Rook , Coal Tit , Blue Tit , Great Tit , Nuthatch ,Wren , Dunnock ,  Robin, Song Thrush , Blackbird , Blackcap , Chiffchaff, Whitethroat , Starling , Greenfinch , Chaffinch , Bullfinch, Goldfinch , Linnet , Reed Bunting , House Sparrow .

Butterflies were few  , just Green-veined White and Small White recorded

Jennifer Johnson

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Hen Harrier Day in Derbys

A Message from Mark Avery:

Thank you for registering for this Hen Harrier Day event in the Peak District on 10 August 2014. 

Here are some details and a link to where you can get even more details.

Chris Packham is attending the event and will be available to talk to, cuddle and be photographed for most of the day (as will I but I know which one you will go for…).

At 10am, we will assemble by the Derwent Dam, a couple of minutes stroll from the Fairholmes Visitor Centre for a group photograph. Those photographs will be sent to the media to publicise public outrage at the illegal killing of Hen harriers by the grouse shooting industry.  This, and events in Lancashire and Northumberland, will be the first public events to protest at the killing of Hen Harriers.

There will be a few brief words of welcome, encouragement and thanks, from Chris Packham, probably myself and maybe a few others but it won’t last very long.

After the group photograph you are free to mix and mingle with like-minded people, eat a bacon sandwich at the visitor centre, go for a stroll or head off for other parts of the Peak District. 

We are expecting quite an attendance, and the area is busy on any fine, sunny Sunday in August (which we hope it will be).  The link gives details of public transport options of attending the event.  The car parks will almost certainly get very full so please park sensibly and it will be a good idea to arrive in good time to get a parking place.

Thank you for being prepared to stand up and be counted for the Hen Harrier.

For more details of the other two Hen Harrier Day events, information about public transport6 and a few other bits of information then paste this link into your browser: http://markavery.info/hen-harrier-day-2014/

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 19th July 2014

July’s work party will be targeting the reserve’s flourishing vegetation. Some jobs have already been dealt with, for example Dick Johnson voluntarily devoted the whole of last Saturday morning to single-handedly clearing the base of the north hedge of grass and weeds, and then finished off by removing willowherb from the north and west ditches – a sterling effort. Also, despite the demise of the lawn mower, Jeff Davies has been busy with the endless task of cutting the reserve’s paths, so all that is left for work party participants this Saturday is pulling out cleavers (i.e. goose-grass or sticky-willy), raking up the grass cuttings from the paths, trimming back overhanging branches from the hedges, and removing green algae from the bottom pond. No doubt there will be other similar tasks spotted on the day to keep everyone occupied.

Meet at the reserve on Saturday, 19th July, at 9:30 am. We will finish around lunchtime.

All members are welcome and no previous experience is necessary. Please wear appropriate work clothes, stout shoes, boots or wellies, and gardening gloves or equivalent. Insect repellent is recommended at this time of year. Appropriate tools to bring, though some are available, would be hand clippers / shears, loppers, pitchfork, rake.

Organised work parties take place at the Jim Mart reserve on the morning of the third Saturday in every month, except in December. For further information visit the Jim Mart NR pages on the Ogston Bird Club website https://ogstonbirdclub.co.uk/ , or contact Peter Faulkner by email ([email protected]) or by telephone (0784 214 8888).

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Ogston Guided Bird Walk 5th July 2014

Dull and damp turned to blue and sunny  as John Parlby led 14 of us on a delightful circular route , passing Brackenfield Church and flower filled meadows to the Amber. Here a vote was taken to continue our progress  past stone properties near the dam wall and along South Hill Lane with views over the reservoir below  .


56 species were encountered including 2 of owl delighting us all, not least the incredible camouflage of a Little Owl hiding in the crevice of a tree .


Little Grebe , Great Crested Grebe , Cormorant, Grey Heron , Mute Swan , Greylag Goose , Canada Goose , Mallard , Pochard , Tufted Duck , Buzzard , Kestrel , Pheasant , Moorhen , Coot , Oystercatcher , Lapwing , Black – Headed Gull , Lesser Black-backed Gull , Common Tern , Wood Pigeon , Stock Dove , Barn Owl , Little Owl , Great Spotted Woodpecker ,Swift , Sand Martin , Swallow , Grey Wagtail , Pied Wagtail , Wren , Dunnock , Robin , Song Thrush , Mistle Thrush , Blackbird , Whitethroat , Blackcap , Chiffchaff , Willow Warbler , Goldcrest , Long-tailed Tit , Blue Tit , Coal Tit , Great Tit , Jay , Magpie , Jackdaw , Carrion Crow , House Sparrow , Chaffinch , Greenfinch , Goldfinch , Yellowhammer , Reed Bunting , Nuthatch

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Guided Bird Walk 2nd June 2014

The guided walk held on 2nd. June was led by Keith Turton and John Parlby.

With a very bad weather forecast it was of no surprise that only 7 people took part.

After a brief discussion we decided to go ahead with the walk. We walked down to Chapel Bay and on past Stretton Handley school to Woolley village. Here with the skies darkening we headed back to the reservoir. For the last 30 minutes we had the threatened rain, but not too bad fortunately. Species seen were;

Mandarin 1 female with 4 young, Buzzard, Song Thrush, Jay, Magpie, Blackcap, Crow, Collared Dove, Bullfinch,Dunnock, Starling, Canada Goose, Mallard, Great Tit, Swallow,

Greylag Goose, Cormorant, Tufted Duck, Goldcrest, Goldfinch, Coot, Mute Swan,

Great crested Grebe, Grey Heron, Coal Tit, Blue Tit, Pheasant, Oystercatcher, Blackbird,

Chiff Chaff, Lapwing, Chaffinch, Woodpigeon, House Sparrow, Robin, House Martin, Wren, Jackdaw.

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