Budby Common trip report – 8/3/23

13 members managed to get to Budby in spite of delays due to road works and flat tyres. The group set off at about 08:40 in still but cold, dull weather. Expectations were raised by an early sighting of 2 Goldcrests but when we arrived on the Common, all was deathly quiet. And so it remained as we walked around the perimeter of the entire area the only joy other than a chance to have a chat with each other, was the distant song of a Chaffinch. Three quarters of the way round, a couple of late comers were spotted on an intercepting path. Upon meeting up, they had the cheek to report that they’d seen 2 Green Spotted Woodpeckers, a Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Stonechat. The group then retraced this pair’s steps hoping for a repeat of their sightings and preying for at least one view of a Woodlark. Sadly, none of this came to pass and we arrived back at the cars with very little in the notebook! We then moved on to the Welbeck Raptor Watchpoint where our luck changed with the sighting of a pair of Goshawk flying together and displaying the massive difference in size between the male and the much larger female. As a bonus, we also got occasional views of the Russian White-fronted Geese when they poked their heads above a

White-fronted Goose – Martin Smith

distant bank and also a single Pink-footed Goose amongst the Greylags. Thanks to Martin Smith who somehow managed to get this photo of one of the White-fronts in appalling weather about a kilometre distant.
The dynamic duo from Budby then turned up and to add insult to injury, had the audacity to tell us that they’d also seen 3 Woodlark, one of which had been singing. (I’m going with them next time.)
And then the forecast snow arrived, which in keeping with our earlier level of luck, was an hour early so we all ‘ran for the hills’.

We think it’s time to go

39 species in all.

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Monday 30 January 2023

1 M Goldeneye- Chapel Bay, 1 M Siskin, 2 Willow Tit, 5 Greenfinch, 7 Gadwall, 3 Wigeon, 3 LT Tit, 1 Siskin, 2 Reed Bunting, 1 Coal Tit, 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Little Egret, 34 Redwing, 1 Goldcrest, 1 Nuthatch, 1 Wren, 1 Grey Wagtail, 1 M Pochard, 1 Linnet

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Helping the BTO with Breeding Bird Surveys in Derbyshire

Simon Roddis has recently taken on the role of BTO Regional Officer for Breeding Bird Surveys in Derbyshire. In order to get as much survey work done as possible, he is looking for volunteers.
Full details can be found below:


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Monthly Guided Walk Nov 5 2022

Ably led by Andy Marshall, a party of 10 enjoyed this month’s walk on a damp grey morning along the reservoir West Bank and around Brackenfield Green.

40 species were noted –

Redwing, Robin, Coal Tit, Chaffinch, Mute Swan, Cormorant, Lapwing, Coot, Mallard, Teal, Great Crested Grebe, Gadwall, Black Headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Little Grebe, Moorhen, Herring Gull, Yellow-legged Gull, Goldeneye, Jay, Canada Goose, Pochard, Tufted Duck, Nuthatch, Mistle Thrush, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Kestrel, Fieldfare, Magpie, Wood Pigeon, Treecreeper, Goldfinch, Little Owl, Dunnock, Long-tailed Tit, Wigeon, Grey Heron, Greylag Goose and Pied Wagtail


We’ll see you all on December 3rd

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RSPB Old Moor Trip Report – Thu 27th Oct

The 07:30 arrival time for the early birds seemed to be quite frankly ridiculous while driving up the M1 in heavy traffic and pouring rain and to make matters worse, it was dark. The leader messed up by being half an hour late and even then, it was difficult to discern much from the Broomhill Flash hide in the gloom. The 3 stalwarts who had got there on time did have quite a list of wildfowl to report including Pintail, Goldeneye and Pochard.
Undaunted by the rain that was continuing to fall, we decided to move on to Wombwell Ings where a half kilometre walk brought us to the anti vandal hide (constructed from breeze blocks). Here we had a greater variety with a large flock of Golden Plover and

Whistling Wigeon

The two giants ignoring each other

Lapwing, Wigeon whistling and Meadow Pipits hunting in the grass. This place in better weather certainly deserves more time spent there especially in view of the improvements made by the RSPB recently with a lot more fencing keeping grazing livestock in and  humans out.
At 09:30, the full group of 8 assembled at Old Moor and after some direction from the RSPB meet and greet team, set off for the Family Hide (should be renamed the “little Children’s Hide because most of the seating is only 1 foot high) with a prize for the first person to spot the drake Scaup. However, it was one of the locals who finally spotted the elusive ‘diver’ and then at a distance and briefly because it promptly disappeared behind an island. Also of note were the 3 Great White Egrets.
Down at the Wath Ings Hides, the highlights were the the large flock of Golden Plover, 10 Dunlin and 3 Green Sandpipers.

Green Sandpipers

To finish the day off, 5 members moved on to Edderthorpe Flash just north of Old Moor and accessed from a lay-by off the busy A6195. This is definitely worth a visit although sadly the people that pass by have turned the short approach into something resembling a landfill site. A brief walk of 30 metres brings you onto the line of an old railway with a good view of the Flash. Here we had sightings of a couple of Ruff, 3 Spoonbill, a very large flock of Golden Plover, Dunlin, Snipe, a single Avocet, a Peregrine and a Green Woodpecker.
In total, 61 species – not a bad haul for such a poor day.

Photos thanks to Val Jones who persevered in spite of the appalling light.

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Monthly Bird Walk October 1st

After the rain the day before, this month’s walk was restricted to tarmac, along Ogston New Road to Brackenfield, around the village lanes and back. 11 members attended and enjoyed a mild, sunny and clear, 3 hour walk!

Species recorded as follows –

Carrion Crow, Pied Wagtail, Wood Pigeon, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Great Tit, Robin, Blue Tit, Blackbird, Goldcrest, Coal Tit, Great Crested Grebe, Mute Swan, Cormorant, Black Headed Gull, Coot, Sparrowhawk, Dunnock, Grey Heron, Teal, Lapwing, Wigeon, Greylag Goose, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Long Tailed Tit, Buzzard, Gadwall, Canada Goose, Goldfinch, Magpie, Nuthatch, Kestrel, Jay, Little Grebe, Shoveler, Moorhen, Chiffchaff, Swallow

38 in total. Nothing spectacular but a nice walk enjoyed by all.

Steve & Andy

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RSPB Frampton Marsh Trip Report – Sun 14th Aug

Five brave souls withstood the blazing sun to spend about six hours at Frampton. As usual,  the reserve delivered an impressive spectacle particularly impressing some who had never been before. The star of the show was undoubtedly the North American vagrant, the White-rumped Sandpiper. Initially we had poor views of it from the 360 degree hide but later that morning, much better, though distant views of it from the East Hide.

White-rumped Sandpiper just about distinguishable from the adjacent Dunlin by its white supercilium

Other significant sightings included 30+ Spoonbills, Spotted Redshank, lots of

Greenshank and the largest flock of Ringed Plover that any of us had ever seen. In addition, Yellow Wagtails and Avocets had obviously had a successful breeding season because there were a lot of juveniles around. A hot walk round the sea wall was barely compensated for by the sight of a Whimbrel.
With temperatures peaking around 30 deg, the photos were inevitably badly affected by heat haze but here are the best of a difficult situation.

The sunflowers obviously appreciate the heat

All told fifty species were seen which was similar to the count in previous years.  Photos thanks to Rob Simmons & Martin Kaye



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Trip Report – Nightjar Evening 26th May 22

23 members (a record in recent years) assembled on Flash Lane in midge free conditions and were treated to brilliant close views of Nightjars which on occasion flew over their heads. In addition, there were plenty of Tree Pipits and Woodcock were seen on multiple occasions. Clearly a trip to be repeated next year.  Those that got there early also saw a Cuckoo and two Great Spotted Woodpeckers.

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Trip Report to Lawrence Field & Padley Gorge – 12th May 22

The annual Padley Gorge trip was scheduled for Wednesday 11th May but was postponed for a day due to inclement weather. Nine intrepid devotees arrived on Thursday morning which was dry and overcast but with a chill wind. Thanks to Steve Slack for leading this trip when Martin was not available.

Padley Gorge is a south-facing sessile oak wood which attracts species typical of that habitat, and contains the nest box scheme established by National Trust and local birders many years ago.

We set off across Lawrence Field, the edge of the heather moor with birch trees, and although the wind seemed to be keeping the birds quiet, soon heard a Cuckoo and found Pied Wagtail, Buzzard, Kestrel and Meadow Pipits. The Tree Pipits which frequent the birch were elusive today.
Descending into the wood we found our Pied Flycatchers with good views of male and female, and Redstart, though only briefly. Green Woodpeckers are heard but less often seen, and this was the case today. The walk in Padley is always good exercise! On the route from the ice cream van down the west bank to the ammunition store and back up through the wood we found the regular Tree Creepers and Great Spotted Woodpecker

Wood Warblers seem to have become less abundant in recent years and we tried hard to hear or see them today but without success. That’s birding! Others on subsequent excursions to the wood were able to confirm that there was at least one singing male, and perhaps two.

We were able to observe a pair of Grey Wagtail which breed each year in the tumbling Burbage Brook which is so typical of this species.

30 species for the trip. Not a record for this site, but OK! All in all, an enjoyable outing and several members adjourned to the Grindleford station café for refreshments before departing. Everyone in good spirits, and another excellent day.

Bill Padley

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Trip Report for Whisby and Langford Lowfields – 19th May 22

This was a very enjoyable excursion led again by Steve Slack. The weather was fine when we convened at Whisby Nature Park, an excellent site of Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust not least because of the fine café and facilities on arrival. Thirteen people arrived to enjoy what proved to be a fruitful day’s birding.

Target species is Nightingale but unfortunately this species has been declining at this site of late and 2022 saw no arrivals for the first time. Nonetheless, in a sunny walk around the reserve we enjoyed exceptionally good views of a singing Garden Warbler, so often heard but not seen. The warblers were all in good voice including Blackcap. Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Sedge Warbler and Common and Lesser Whitethroats. We already had a species count of 36 before leaving Whisby, but the best was yet in store.

Moving on to RSPB Langford Lowfields the wetlands and reedbeds were especially rewarding including a memorable session on ‘the Mound’ when two Bitterns circled

One of the two Bitterns circling the party

around us as if showing off, giving stunning views and fine opportunities for the photographers. Here is the group ascending onto the Mound. The Hobbies which are expected at this site gave us the usual exhibition of their prowess in flight. The sight of a passing Kingfisher seemed practically mundane!
Everyone said they had very much enjoyed a memorable day, Species count – 51.

Bill Padley.  Photo thanks to David Griffin

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