Ogston Website Continues To Grow

It was mentioned a couple of weeks ago that we had had over 9,000 page views since the new site was launched. This has now shot up to almost 17,000 page views. We also have a large number of people following the site through e-mail.

A really big thank-you to everyone for their continued support.

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Have you changed your E-mail Address?

All members are advised that if they have changed their e-mail address since joining Ogston Bird Club they should let the club’s Membership Secretary have their new details. If you inadvertantly forget to keep your e-mail address up to date, you could be missing out on important information from the Ogston Bird Club.

If you need to update any details, please contact Peter Birley the club’s Membership Sectretary.

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Carsington Monthly Bird Report added to the Website

The Monthly Bird Report for Carsington has now been added to the website. Just click on the Bird Report Index pages to view.

Thanks to Roger Carrington for the report.

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October Monthly Bird Report added to the website

The Ogston Monthly Bird Report for October has now been added to the Bird Report Index pages on the website.

Thanks to Steve Mann for the report.

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Canon 5D Body – Price Reduction

The Canon 5D camera body on the For Sale pages has now been ruduced in price. This is an excellent piece of kit and at a really great price.

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Lowland Derbyshire Biodiversity Forum

This year’s Lowland Derbyshire Biodiversity Forum will be held at County Hall, Matlock on Saturday 30th November from 10-4.15pm

With a theme loosely based around ‘Species’, there will be talks from a range of county experts, plus two workshop sessions on topics you can choose from.

The main speaker is Tim Birch, formerly of Greenpeace, but now the new Conservation Manager at Derbyshire Wildlife Trust who leads on their badger vaccination campaign. Like most of us, he is concerned at the decline of many species, both globally and locally.

Places are free, but do need to be booked by Monday 18th November. The flyer contains a Booking Form which can be printed and mailed back to Nick Moyes, at the address on the booking form.

Groups are welcome to bring displays or appropriate material to sell, but will need to be responsible for their own stock and money. You can book a table space via the normal booking form.

LBAP 2013 Forum Flyer and Booking Form

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Thanks for your support

Just to say thankyou to all those that are now visiting the new website, the numbers continue to grow day by day. Please also remember the website is for the benefit of the club’s members and if there’s anything you’d like to see on here, please get in touch.

Thanks for all the support.

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Wyver Lane September Bird Report Added.

The September bird report for Wyver Lane has been added to the Bird Report Index pages. Thanks to Dave Newcombe for the report.

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Interested in a Long Term Conservation Project?

Ogston Bird Club is looking for someone who might be interested in a long term conservation project.

This is something that will raise the status of the club for the future.

Like to know more? Please contact John Parlby by E-mail or by telephone on 01773 861262 or 07767652036.

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Ogston Guided Bird Walk – 2nd November

The first Saturday of the month, Ogston Bird Club guided walk will take place on Saturday 2nd November. Meet at 9:30am in the West Bank Car Park, all welcome. We aim to return between 12noon and 12:30pm depending on the weather and what we see. In the case of bad weather please check the website to ensure the walk is still on.

Please wear walking boots or good walking shoes and clothes appropriate for the weather conditions. Bring binoculars if you have them. Dogs are allowed if kept on a lead and are well behaved.

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