Ogston Members Gallery

As part of the Ogston Members Gallery there is now a new feature where you can leave a comment on any of the images within the gallery.

Just click on the Members Gallery button on the website and then click on the first image to bring up the slideshow. Each of the images in the gallery have a “Comment” button at the bottom right. To prevent spam being posted on the images, comments are checked before going live.

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October Guided Bird Walk Report added to the Website

The full report for the October Guided Bird has now been added to the site. Many thanks to Jenni Johnson for the report.

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October Guided Bird Walk – Full Report

The walk was lead by Jeff Davies and Mike Conroy due to the unavoidable absence of Paul. Thanks go to both.

A mild sunny day little or no wind saw 15 people attend.

The route taken was Ogston New Road, Church Lane, Millers Lane, Butterfield Lane before returning to the car park.

Bird sightings were Great crested grebe, Cormorant, Grey heron, Mallard, Wigeon, Tufted duck, Teal, Greylag goose, Canada goose, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel, Buzzard, Moorhen, Coot, Lapwing, Black headed gull, Wood Pigeon, Great spotted woodpecker, House martin, Carrion crow, Rook, Jackdaw, Magpie, Jay, Great tit, Blue tit, Coal tit, Nuthatch, Wren, Mistle thrush, Fieldfare, Blacbird, Robin, Chiff chaff, Dunnock Pied wagtail, Chaffinch + 37 species.Butterflies observed were Red Admiral, Comma, Speckled wood, Small tortoiseshell, Small white, Green veined white. Also Unidentified dragonfly’s, Wasps Bees, numerous flies. Numerous fungi was also seen.

Thanks go to Jenni Johnson for this report.

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Mike Dilger at the Winding Wheel Chesterfield

The Winding Wheel and RSPB Chesterfield Local Group invite you to spend an evening with Mike Dilger, notable author, naturalist and television presenter. Mike is currently the wildlife reporter on BBC1’s The One Show and Inside. This evening’s talk will focus on garden birds and animals illustrated from Mike’s experiences in doing this.

The Winding Wheel, Chesterfield Wednesday 6th November at 7.30pm. More details online at HERE.

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Ogston Website Growing Stronger

A little over a week ago we launched the new Ogston Bird Club website and in that short time we have had over 9,000 views. We also have a fair number of people following the site through e-mail.

Thanks to everyone for your support.

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Website Archives

If you want to see older posts that no longer show on the page you’re reading, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the “Older Posts” wording. A really good feature on the new website is that posts automatically get stored in the site’s archives. We no longer have to delete them.

Although the new site has been only running for just over a week, posts from the last year have been added and are available should you want to view them.

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Thanks for comments about the New Website

Thanks to everyone who took the time to get in touch and let us know what you thought of the new website. It was really good to hear that you liked the changes that had been made.

Please remember the website is there to get information out to you, the club’s membership and if you would like to see any pages or items added, please let us know.

It has already been suggested that we have a “Bird Of The Month” page where a special or rare bird that had visited Ogston could be noted for members that had not been able to see it. This is now being looked into.

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Follow the new Ogston Website by E-Mail

To get better coverage from the Ogston Bird Club website, a new “Follow Blog via Email” button has been added on the right of the page. If you enter your email address and then click “Follow”, you will be sent an automatic email letting you know new posts have been added to the Ogston Bird Club website.

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Saving The Sanctuary

Recently we outlined Derby City Council’s plans to build a cycle track on the city’s only bird reserve called The Sanctuary and that a coalition of five groups, including the Trust, RSPB and DOS had come together to oppose it.

We have now seen the Council’s ecological report which says: ““From an ecological perspective, the routing of an outdoor track anywhere within the boundary of the LNR is considered to have an adverse impact on the LNR and the biodiversity of the LNR”.

The story is beginning to be picked up nationally now since this Local Nature Reserve (LNR) would be the first in the UK to be developed by the local authority that created it.
BBC East Midlands Today have recorded a piece at the reserve, Bird Watching magazine also covered the issue and we hope to attract further national attention if we can.

If you would be willing to help with this campaign, get in touch via The Sanctuary or Derbyshire Wildlife Trust for advice about what to say and whom to contact in the council.

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More Pictures added to the Members Gallery

Images of a Southern Hawker taken by Vernon Barker at the Jim Mart Nature Reserve have been added to the Members Gallery

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