Report on trip to RSPB Blacktoft Sands – 10th July

Nine members were well rewarded on the annual trip to Blacktoft with good weather and excellent birding. Immediately sightings of Bearded Tits were had from the visitors centre before we’d even had a chance to get properly started.  Juveniles or females were then seen from a number of the hides throughout the day.  Excitement rose when two Barn Owl chicks were spotted in the owl box. A closer inspection however, revealed them to be juvenile Kestrels.  Of the 43 species of bird identified, the stars (other than the Bearded Tits) were undoubtedly the Green Sandpipers, Ruff in a variety of plumages, Spotted Redshank still with considerable remnants of their summer plumage, a juvenile Water Rail spotted skulking in the reeds by Mr Conroy, three Greenshank and finally a flock of 6 Spoonbills which definitely didn’t skulk. The Marsh Harriers put on a grand display with both male and female birds flying by at closish quarters. A thoroughly excellent trip – Blacktoft never seems to let us down at this time of year.

Spotted Redshank

Bearded Tit – terrible photo included to prove that we saw at least one


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Reports on 2 evening trips to Clumber Park 24th May & 6th June

Reports on two very successful trips.

24th May

A mixture of 9 members of both OBC and DOS spent a very pleasant mild evening in the Park. With the recent events of vandalism to the ornamental bridge we noticed

Ornamental Bridge badly damaged

immediately that security was increased. We started off as usual at Hardwick Village at the ford and then the weir and then because of the restrictions in movement within the park because of the vandalism, we moved to the area around the church. Initially  we were reasonably confident that we could challenge the all time record of 44 species identified in a previous year, but as time ticked by optimism faded and as 9 p.m. approached we had to move to the Nightjar viewing site. Here we didn’t have to wait long before the first churring was heard. All in all, we thought there were 2-3 Nightjars with good sightings of one bird. In addition, we saw Woodcock overhead and heard a Tawny calling. Sadly our species tally fell well short of the record with 37 identified, the best of which were obviously the Nightjars then Woodcock and good views of a Cuckoo.


6th June

A mix of 10 Ogston and DOS members enjoyed a superb evening and with some very sharp ears and eyes, the record of 44 species was broken with 46 species identified the highlights of which were a Male Blackcap with 2 fledglings, a Hobby which flew over our heads, Reed Warblers, a Kingfisher, a Spotted Flycatcher near the church, Woodcock and Nightjars. The latter began churring at 21:36 and almost immediately gave us good views of their ‘butterfly’ like flight on a number of occasions until we left at about 22:30.

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Guided Bird Walk 7/7/18

1 reed warbler
2 little ringed plover
3 mute swan
4 bullfinch
5 grey heron
6 canada goose
7 greylag goose
8 great crested grebe
9 cormorant
10 lapwing
11 lesser black backed gull
12 swallow
13 sandmartin
14 wren
15 buzzard
16 wood pigeon
17 pheasant
18 robin
19 coot
20 chiffchaff
21 carrion crow
22 common tern
23 sedge warbler
24 pied wagtail
25 moorhen
26 mallard
27 great tit
28 magpie
29 dunnock
30 blackbird
31 blue tit
32 goldfinch
33 nuthatch
34 blackcap
35 long-tailed tit
36 rook
37 collard dove


meadow brown




small white

green-veined white

red admiral

speckled wood

Thanks to Robert Smith for the list.

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Ogston Guided Bird Walk 2/6/18

Coot, Lapwing, Greylag Goose, Grey Heron, Mallard, SedgeWarbler, Herring Gull, Crow, Cormorant, Wood Pig, Blackcap, Blackbird, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Oystercatcher, Gt Crested Grebe, Blue tit, Dunnock, Gt Tit, Gold Finch, Greenfinch, Pied Wagtail, Rook, Chiffchaff, Swallow, Mute Swan, Chaffinch, Tufted Duck, Song Thrush, Cole tit, Gadwall, Mandarin Duck, Common Tern, Gt Black Backed Gull, Moorhen, Goldcrest, Buzzard, Magpie, Pheasant, Robin, Mistle Thrush, Swift, Reed Bunting, Canada Goose, Little Ringed Plover, Black Headed Gull, Bull Finch, Bar Headed Goose( escapee)

Thanks to Wendy for scribing.


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Report on trip to Whisby Nature Park – 15th May 2018

Six members attended this visit on a gorgeous sunny day, targeting species like Nightingale, Garden Warbler and Med Gull.


Within Ten minutes a Med Gull was spotted in the water bathing next to the islands by the visitor center.

A Nightingale was sighted and the same corner as last year next to the Coot Lake

path, with great views for all to enjoy, along with fabulous surround sound serenade, added to this were good sightings of Blackcaps, Garden Warblers, Willow Warblers and Whitethroats from around the site.

Having done a full circuit of the woodland this year, a good number Garden Warblers and Willow Warblers were


noted. Other birds spotted: Greylag Geese with chicks, Coot, Black Headed Gull, Mallard, Wren,Cormorant, Tufted Duck, Moorhen, Swallow, Woodpigeon, Sand Martin, Lapwing also birds heard Robins, Chaffinch, Blue Tit, Chiffchaff, Dunnock, Pheasant and Great Tit.

Yet again this year it was decided to drop into RSPB Langford Lowfields reserve on our way back. The highlight here was yet again as last year, watching up to four plus Hobbies hawking for dragonflies.

Photos thanks to Brian Burch.

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Report on trip to Lawrencefield/Padley/Burbage 3rd May 2018

8 members enjoyed a fabulous morning’s birding in pleasant conditions.  Starting at 08:30 before picnic parties and dog walkers had arrived, we started brilliantly with a distant view of a Whinchat and this was followed in a short space of time with loads (new collective noun) of Buzzards and a Cuckoo.  The latter was perched upon a fence with its attendant Meadow Pipits on either side.  We then had views of of a Tree Pipit and after a great deal of effort from the assembled gathering, a view of a Redstart.  Fortunately this was followed later on by better views of several Redstarts.  Birding at this time of year in these ‘mountain’ oak forests is a made a good deal easier with little or no leaf growth but clearly, this opportunity wasn’t going to last much longer.  By accident we also stumbled upon a Tree Creepers nest (not literally) with a pair of birds flitting in and out.  During the remainder of our morning walk we encountered more common woodland birds and ‘shed loads’ (another new collective noun) of Pied Flycatchers.

The afternoon was spent up Burbage Brook and in complete contrast to the morning, was met with virtually no success.  At best we could merely say that we may have seen a Ring Ouzel in flight.

Photos thanks to Brian Burch.

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Ogston Guided Bird Walk 5th May 2018

Lapwing, Cormorant, Sedge Warbler, Robin, Grey Heron, Gadwall, Blackbird, Crow, Mistle Thrush, Wood Pigeon, Swallow, Chiffchaff, Reed Bunting, Coot, Mallard, Canada goose, Oystercatcher, Reed Warbler, Wren, Great Crested Grebe, Greylag Goose, Little Grebe, Blue Tit, Willow Warbler, Tufted Duck, Blackcap, Whitethroat, Chaffinch, Dunnock, Gt tit, Nuthatch, Goldfinch, Sparrowhawk, Magpie, Collared dove, Starling, Pheasant, Jay, Stock Dove, Bullfinch, Jackdaw, Kestrel, Buzzard, House Sparrow, Greenfinch, Song thrush, Redstart, Gt Spotted Woodpecker, Rook, Pied Wagtail, Moorhen, Curlew, Blackheaded Gull

54 in total

Thanks to Wendy for producing the list

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Guided Bird Walk 7/4/2018

Thanks to Wendy Dyson for scribing:-

Greylag Goose, Swallow, Shoveler, Pochard, Oystercatcher, Goldeneye, Mallard, Woodpigeon, Black headed Gull, Chiffchaff, Gt Crested Grebe, Coot, Gadwall, Cormorant, Tufted Duck, Teal,Gt Tit, Sparrowhawk, Robin, Blackbird, Willow Tit, Chaffinch, Jay, Sand Martin, Lapwing, Bullfinch, Greenfinch, Gt Black Backed Gull, Stockdove, L Tale Tit, Coal Tit, Wren, Crow, Canada goose, Pheasant, Grey Heron, Blue Tit, Dunnock, Treecreeper, Reed Bunting, Goldfinch, Song thrush, Goldcrest, Jackdaw, Mandarin, House Martin, Moorhen, Curlew, Nuthatch, Magpie.

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AGM 2018 – Tuesday May 15th

Our AGM this year will be held on Tuesday May 15th at Blackwell Community Centre
Woburn Close, Blackwell, Alfreton. DE55 5HH. The formal business starts 7.30pm.

Following the AGM, Mike Price of the Peak District Raptor Monitoring Group will present his highly recommended talk, “The Peak District Bird of Prey Initiative”.

Please support your club on the evening.

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Walk 3/3/2018

Please note the Ogston Bird Walk on Saturday 3rd March is cancelled because of the severe weather.

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