Sunday 20th April 2014

2 Arctic Terns present 07:30 – 08:00 hrs then flew off.  4 more arrived at 08:55 hrs and were joined by 18 more at 09:02 hrs then 2 more at 09:25 making a total of 24 which remained until 09:30 hrs then all flew off.  Another 4 present at 15:30 hrs taking the total for the day up to 30. Also 1 Whimbrel flew N, 4 Shovelers, 2 Gadwall, 3+ Mandarins, 5 Little Ringed Plovers, 7 Common Gulls and 5 imm Great Black-backed Gulls, through, 2 Yellow Wagtails, c150 Linnets.

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