Wed 26 August 2020

6 Mandarins, 6 Teal, 237 Mallard, 3 Common Scoters (2 drakes & ad female), 2 Ospreys in the morning (original bird plus a new, fourth individual), 3 Peregrines ( ad & 2 juvs), a Hobby, a Ringed Plover S at 0740, a juv Common Tern 1045-1055 left SE after arriving with a small group of BHGulls, a juvenile Cuckoo was well photographed in front of the hide, 7 Swifts, 18 Sand Martins, 19 Chiffchaffs, 4 Willow Warblers, 6 Blackcaps, 5 Siskins & c30 Goldfinches.

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