12 April 2016

Best day of the year so far; a female Hen Harrier flew through north-west 1115-20, only the eighth Ogston record and the second in spring mirroring the last which also flew north-west on 7 May 2011. Shortly after at 1130 six Arctic Terns arrived and were joined at 1205 by a beautiful adult summer Little Gull, these remaining until 1245. Supporting cast included 2 Mute Swans, Pink-footed Goose, drake Shoveler, 18 Teal, 8 Gadwall, 4 drake Mandarins, 3 Goldeneye, 4 Oystercatchers, 5 C.Snipe, Jack Snipe showing well again, Dunlin in at 1700, 2 Common Sandpipers, 7+ Willow Warblers and a White Wagtail.

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