Author Archives: Nikki M

JMNR sightings 22nd March 2015

1 Wren, 4 Blue tit, 4 Great tit, 1 Wood Pigeon, 2 Blackbird, 2 Reed Bunting. Brown Trout in brook below hide bridge.

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JMNR 21st March 2015

With many members going on the Derwent Valley trip, there were just two people on today’s work party. Part of the ‘marsh’ area was raked through to encourage the flowering plants to put on a good display, and a traditional … Continue reading

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Moth Trapping JMNR 20th March

Trap set 18:45 20/3/15, emptied 08:00 21/3/15 Location: between brook and garden hedge The first moth trapping session of 2015 yielded 3 macro moths and 2 micros as follows: Clouded Drab    Orthosia incerta – 1 Chestnut    Conistra vaccinii – 2 … Continue reading

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 21st March 2015

For those members who are not going on the annual club outing to the Ladybower Reservoir, the alternative destination of the Jim Mart Nature Reserve could be worth trying. Like Ladybower, our reserve has a reservoir and, whilst Ring Ouzel … Continue reading

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JMNR 14th March 2015

Birds: Blackbird (1), Blue Tit (2), Canada Goose (2 flying over), Chaffinch (1), Great Spotted Woodpecker (2), Great Tit (1), Long-tailed Tit (1), Magpie (1), Mallard (2), Pheasant (1), Robin (1). Flowers: Lesser Celandine just coming into flower. Amphibians: Frog … Continue reading

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March 2015 Guided Bird Walk Report

7th March 2015 A biting wind churning the reservoir’s surface saw the initial group of 24 participants scurrying off apace after leader Paul Beard. Shelter was soon found as we headed for Milltown Quarry, and by this time large patches … Continue reading

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JMNR 5th March 2015

Birds: Great Tit (2), Moorhen (1), Robin (2). Flowering plants: Coltsfoot (just one flower head in C5a, not yet fully open), Daisy (several on the track), Crocus (three small clumps – two in C4a and one in C4c), Snowdrop (two … Continue reading

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JMNR 21st February 2015

Despite a sleet shower just before the start of today’s work party, five members turned out keen to leave their mark on the reserve and were rewarded with a dry morning. Two early risers used their initiatives and set about … Continue reading

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JMNR 20th February 2015

Blackbird (1), Blue Tit (2), Chaffinch (1), Great Spotted Woodpecker (1), Great Tit(1), Kingfisher (1), Mallard (4), Pheasant (1), Robin (3), Woodpigeon (1). Snowdrops in flower (track, C3b, C4c).

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 21st February 2015

So, today is Valentine’s Day. Once that brief novelty has faded it makes sense to turn to that true love of your life: wildlife and the outdoors. It might be 50 shades of grey outside but you can cheer yourself … Continue reading

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