JMNR 21st February 2015

Despite a sleet shower just before the start of today’s work party, five members turned out keen to leave their mark on the reserve and were rewarded with a dry morning.
Two early risers used their initiatives and set about checking nest boxes before anyone else arrived, only to find that the boxes they were working on had already been done. They were re-directed to Liz’s Wood where they found that the twenty nest boxes had been popular in 2014. (The results will appear in the next OBC newsletter.)

Meanwhile the fire was started, faltered, then burst into action and all the brash gathered over the last three months was burned. A Buddleia was artistically pruned, and energetic spadework lowered and levelled the ground along one side of the pumphouse. Two artisans practised the crafts of dry stone walling and hedge laying along the roadside boundary (not to competition standard, more practice required).

The work party ended as it began, in sleet.
Sightings: Raven (1) (We were too busy working to notice anything else.)

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