Author Archives: Nikki M

JMNR 12th February 2015

Blackbird (1), Blue Tit (2), Bullfinch (1), Jackdaw (4), Jay (1), Robin (1)

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Local School Out for the Count!

Pupils at Stretton Handley C of E Primary School have recently completed 3 surveys for The Big Schools’ Birdwatch which takes place every January. The school is within the recording area for Ogston Bird Club and is often on the … Continue reading

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JMNR 18th January 2015

Report from Paul Beard: “2 Mallard, 8 Crow, 1 Great tit, 2 Blue Tit, 1 Nuthatch, 3 Blackbird, 1 Wren, 1 Robin. “Not a lot about, plenty of small mammal trails the frosty glass.”

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January 2015 Guided Bird Walk Report

Ogston Bird Club January guided bird walk report Continue reading

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JMNR 17th January 2015

Two members braved a chilly start to this month’s work party but were rewarded later with pleasantly ‘warm’ sunshine. All of the reserve’s bird boxes were checked and cleaned out where necessary. We then moved on to the Big Garden … Continue reading

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Jim Mart Nature Reserve work party – Saturday 17th January 2015

A Happy New Year to everyone. If you haven’t made enough resolutions for 2015 yet, then why not aim to help out (more) at the club’s only wholly-owned nature reserve. You could even abandon some of those guilt-driven resolutions which … Continue reading

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JMNR 1st January 2015

Report by Nikki Mahadevan: “The site was nicely flattened by the snow which had completely thawed. The melt water had swollen the ponds and the brook to very high levels. I noticed that the ground was peppered by small holes, … Continue reading

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JMNR 5th December 2014

4 deg C. pm. Blackbird (1), Bullfinch (1), Mallard in brook (2), Woodpigeon (1). Common Frog (Adult). A few Black Knapweed in flower (C6a)(C3a).

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JMNR 30th November 2014

Buzzard, Blue Tit, Chaffinch, Tree Creeper, Robin, Blackbird, Goldfinch. Prints on Mink raft. NM

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JMNR 15th November 2014

Despite more, and at times heavier, rain than had been forecast, this morning’s work party managed to complete the key tasks of finishing the clearance of vegetation from around the Hide Pond, gaining further ground in the ongoing bramble battle, … Continue reading

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