Author Archives: Val Jones

Sun 22 September 2019

Yesterday’s Great White Egret came in from the south at 0930 then at 1100 two more came in from the south, all three birds circled before the two new arrivals continued NE leaving the original bird. Also 7+ Blackcaps.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Sun 22 September 2019

Sat 21 September 2019

A Great White Egret was on the north bank, the first record this year. Also the Garganey still, 15 Buzzards, 2 Common Gulls, 3 Ravens and a Whitethroat.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Sat 21 September 2019

Fri 20 September 2019

Not much to report today; a single Skylark over and 7 Snipe flushed off the West Bank by the work party.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Fri 20 September 2019

Thurs 19 September 2019

An adult Arctic Tern was present 1120-24 before departing ESE. Also a Goshawk and a Pochard.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Thurs 19 September 2019

Wed 18 September 2019

Fem Garganey still present; this must be one of, if not the longest staying Garganey here. Historically records span the dates 20 Mar (1993) to 10 October (1981), usually ones & twos with a max of seven on 14 August … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Wed 18 September 2019

Tues 17 September 2019

12 Teal, 8 Gadwall, a Pochard, a Little Egret, 10 Little Grebes, a Peregrine, c 200 Lapwings, ad Yellow-l-Gull, 2 Kingfishers, c 20 House Martins and 2 Stonechats on the west bank. Vis-mig  produced 42 Mipits SW, 38 House Martins … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Tues 17 September 2019

Mon 16 September 2019

A Shoveler, 63 Tufteds, 1 Pochard, 22 GCGrebes included two broods of one & two young, 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Hobby, 1 Willow Tit.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Mon 16 September 2019

Sun 15 September 2019

At the res a Shoveler, a Spotted Flycatcher in the car park with good numbers of Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs & Goldcrests; a mini-fall of sorts. At Highoredish 0645-0845 104 Swallows, 311 House Martins, 48 Mipits and 2 Grey Wagtails all flew … Continue reading

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Sun 15 September 2019

Sat 14 September 2019

1 Shelduck, 1 Shoveler and the female Garganey still.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Sat 14 September 2019

Fri 13 September 2019

Only report I have is of 3 Shoveler.

Posted in Ogston Daily Report | Comments Off on Fri 13 September 2019