Category Archives: News & What’s On

Thanks for comments about the New Website

Thanks to everyone who took the time to get in touch and let us know what you thought of the new website. It was really good to hear that you liked the changes that had been made. Please remember the … Continue reading

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Follow the new Ogston Website by E-Mail

To get better coverage from the Ogston Bird Club website, a new “Follow Blog via Email” button has been added on the right of the page. If you enter your email address and then click “Follow”, you will be sent … Continue reading

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Saving The Sanctuary

Recently we outlined Derby City Council’s plans to build a cycle track on the city’s only bird reserve called The Sanctuary and that a coalition of five groups, including the Trust, RSPB and DOS had come together to oppose it. … Continue reading

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More Pictures added to the Members Gallery

Images of a Southern Hawker taken by Vernon Barker at the Jim Mart Nature Reserve have been added to the Members Gallery

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Search Bars on new Website

If it helps anyone, the new website has two search bars. One in the title bar at the top of the page that looks like a magnifying glass and the other on the right hand side near the main posts. … Continue reading

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Frampton Trip Report Added to the Website

Martin Kaye has just added the Trip Report for the club’s visit to Frampton Marsh. Find all the details of what seemed to be a great day out on the Trip Reports Page.

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The Creature of Ogston Reservoir

Whilst trawling through Google checking all the links to the new website were working I came across the following article from 2002. Could there really be a Loch Ness Monster at Ogston? If any of the more long standing members … Continue reading

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