Category Archives: Trips


Guided Bird Walk 7/4/2018

Thanks to Wendy Dyson for scribing:- Greylag Goose, Swallow, Shoveler, Pochard, Oystercatcher, Goldeneye, Mallard, Woodpigeon, Black headed Gull, Chiffchaff, Gt Crested Grebe, Coot, Gadwall, Cormorant, Tufted Duck, Teal,Gt Tit, Sparrowhawk, Robin, Blackbird, Willow Tit, Chaffinch, Jay, Sand Martin, Lapwing, Bullfinch, … Continue reading

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Walk 3/3/2018

Please note the Ogston Bird Walk on Saturday 3rd March is cancelled because of the severe weather.

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Ogston Guided Bird Walk 3/2/2018

Thanks to Wendy for the following:- Wren, Black bird, B H Gull, Robin, Teal, Coot, GT Tit, Blue Tit, Dunnock, Chaffinch, Bullfinch, Goldfinch, Canada goose, Pied Wag, Nuthatch, Readbunting, Goosander, Moorhen, Cormorant, Crow, Lapwing, Tufted duck, Greylag, Jay, Wood Pig, … Continue reading

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Ogston Guided Bird Walk 6/1/2018

Thanks to Wendy Dyson for scribing on our walk Pink Footed Goose, Blackbird, Crow. Lesser Black Backed Gull, Cormorant, Lapwing, Blue Tit, Black Headed Gull, Mallard, Linnet, Robin, Rook, Buzzard, Chaffinch, Great Tit, Wood Pigeon, Grey Heron, Pied Wagtail, Kestrel, … Continue reading

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Guided Bird Walk 2/11/17

Thanks to Wendy for scribing, here is the list from the walk. Mallard, M Swan, Herring Gull, Coot, Crow, Blackbird, L B Backed Gull, B H Gull, Wood Pig, Magpie, Blue tit, Chaffinch, Gt B Backed Gull, Gt Spotted W … Continue reading

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Report on trip to RSPB Blacktoft – 22/11/17

Seven members made the trip and inspite of the strong wind, had a good time (it remained dry which was probably better than most parts of the country).  A total of 39 species were seen which compared to this time … Continue reading

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4th November Guided Bird Walk

Thanks to Wendy for scribing the list Robin, Blackbird, Mallard, B H gull, Shoveler, Coot, Teal, Coal tit, Dunnock, Blue tit, Cormorant, Goldfinch, Nuthatch, Bullfinch, Great tit, Chaffinch, Canada Goose, Moorhen, Great Crested Grebe, L B Backed Gull, Pied Wagtail, … Continue reading

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Trip by coach to Spurn Point – 8th October 2017

A very successful trip thanks to the leader Julia Smith who organised everything and who wrote the following report.  Thanks also to Christine Gregory and Dave Hallam for the photos. It was a lively group of 16 birders that met on Sunday … Continue reading

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Guided Bird Walk 7th October 2017

  Thanks to Rob Smith for keeping the list on the walk. The walk included a first for a Saturday Morning Walk, the male Common Scoter. Great Crested Grebe Cormorant Grey Heron Mute Swan Whooper Swan Greylag Goose Canada Goose … Continue reading

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Trip to RSPB Frampton Marsh 10th Sept 2017

Eight members chose the dry but chilly weather to visit this fabulous reserve rather than stay at home where as I understand it, the weather was not so kind. We benefitted enormously from the fact that there was a particularly … Continue reading

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