JMNR 13th May 2016

Male Orange Tip on Large Bittercress

Male Orange Tip on Large Bittercress

A cold (10C) afternoon at the reserve so not a lot of activity.
Birds: Blackbird, Chaffinch, Chiffchaff, Moorhen, Pheasant, Song Thrush, a very scratchy Whitethroat, Woodpigeon. A female duck with 7 or 8 ducklings sailed off down the brook and I didn’t have my binoculars to hand, so I didn’t get a definite Id, however the female sounded like a Mandarin.
Butterflies: 1 male Orange Tip.
Other invertebrates: St Mark’s Fly (Hawthorn Fly) Bibio marci.
Notable plants just coming into flower – Bugle (C6a), Bush Vetch (C4c), Common Vetch (C4c), Cuckooflower (C3a, C4c, C6a, MP), Hawthorn (H5), Large Bittercress (stream bank and HP), Ragged Robin (MP), Red Campion (C6a), Red Clover (C3a).

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