The moth trap was set up on the evening of 29th October near the hide. It was a relatively mild night for this time of year (10-11ºC min.) with some drizzle.
Eleven moths were trapped, 4 different species, 3 of which were first records for the site.
November moth agg. (Epirrita dilutata agg.) 8
Red-green Carpet (Chloroclysta siterata) 1
Feathered Thorn (Colotois pennaria) 1
Scarce Umber (Agriopis aurantiaria) 1
- November Moth agg.
- Scarce Umber
- Red-green Carpet
- Feathered Thorn
Also in the trap: A Harvestman Mitopus morio, a caddisfly Chaetopteryx villosa.
Other sightings after emptying the trap 30/10/16: a leaf mine in Alder leaf Phyllonorycter rajella (moth).