Recorder’s report: January 2025

A total of 84 species were reported in January, from 898 reports.  See below most notable sightings:

Brambling (1 on 11th), Caspian Gull (up to 3 noted on 15 dates), Chiffchaff (1 on 25th and 26th), Fieldfare (max of 211 on 5th), Goldeneye (up to 6 on 22 dates), Golden Plover (25 on 5th), Goosander (max of 31 on 21 dates), Great Black-backed Gull (max of 85 on 7 dates), Great White Egret (1 on 11th), Herring Gull (max of 589 in the roost on 14th), Lesser Redpoll (up to 4 birds almost daily), Little Owl (1 at Brackenfield on 2 dates), Mediterranean Gull (1 bird in the roost on 3 dates), Pink-footed Goose (up to 3 birds from 2nd-4th), Pochard (up to 3 birds on 10 dates), Raven (2 birds on 4 dates), Red Kite (1 on 30th), Red-crested Pochard (1 on 5 dates), Redwing (max of 1121 on 10 dates), Shelduck (max of 2 birds on 2 dates), Shoveler (max of 6 birds on 9 dates), Siskin (max of 12 almost daily), Skylark (3 on 5th), Snipe (max of 15 almost daily), Stonechat (up to 2 birds almost daily), Treecreeper (1 on 7 dates), Tufted Duck (max of 68 on 17 dates), Water Rail (1 almost daily), Whooper Swan (15 birds on 4th and 10th), Wigeon (max of 4 on 7 dates), Willow Tit (up to 2 birds almost daily), Woodcock (1 on 2nd).

Additionally Brown Hare, Mink, Grey Squirrel and Roe Deer also reported.

A huge thank-you as always to everyone who contributed to the monthly sightings, either by writing in the hide diary, contacting me directly, or by commenting on the Whatsapp group – all of your sightings are important so please keep sending them in!

Matthew Birkin, Andy Marshall, Mark Burton, Bill Padley, Andy Sharpe, Tracy Mann, Roger Thornley, Steve Sutcliffe, Julie Atkinson, D. Bradley, Angela Slater, Matt Dineen, Dave Mansfield, T. Clement, Kevin Grayston, Richard Lowe, Julie Clewes, Brian Hill, Mike Conroy, Stephen Walker, Ian Hallam, David Griffin, John Turner, John Kirby, Mary Wilde, Martin Beaumont, Martin Smith, John Clarke, A. Smith, C. Harris, Val Jones, Neil Wainman, Phillip Buxton, Keith Armstrong

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