Category Archives: JMNR Sightings

These are sightings for the Jim Mart NR. Please record your sightings in the hide logbook or send them to the Site Records Co-ordinator, Paul Beard.

Moth Trapping JMNR 6th September

This gallery contains 3 photos.

The moth trap was set up at the end of the butterfly transect section 3 adjacent to the Garden Hedge on the evening of 6th September. It was emptied the following morning. Recorder N Mahadevan. There were 12 species of moth … Continue reading

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JMNR butterfly transect 5th September 2015

Week 23 and a drop in the temperature combined with a shortage of sun did not provide John Parlby with ideal conditions for seeing butterflies. Nevertheless, he managed to spot a late-flying Gatekeeper, 3 Peacock, 2 Red Admiral, a Small Copper, … Continue reading

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Moth Trapping JMNR 29th August

The moth trap was set up by the garden hedge, hide end, on the evening of 29/08/15 and was  emptied 6.20 am the following morning. 10ºC wind calm, recorder N Mahadevan. 6 Small Square-spot, 1 Dark Fruit-tree Tortix, 1 Yellow … Continue reading

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JMNR butterfly transect 27th August 2015

Week 22 walked by Nikki Mahadevan: 1 Comma, 7 Gatekeeper, 13 Green-veined White, 1 Large White, 2 Meadow Brown, 1 Painted Lady, 13 Peacock, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Small Copper, 2 Small Skipper, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Small White, 1 … Continue reading

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JMNR butterfly transect 19th August 2015

Week 21 on the butterfly recording calendar, with the transect being walked by Alan Kydd. 2 Comma, 8 Gatekeeper, 8 Green-veined White, 2 Large Skipper, 6 Large White, 3 Meadow Brown, 1 Painted Lady, 11 Peacock, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, and … Continue reading

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JMNR 15th August 2015

Sightings from this morning’s work party: Birds: Blue Tit, Bullfinch, Common Buzzard, Great Tit, Kestrel, Moorhen (Juv.), Nuthatch, Wren. Butterflies: Comma, Gatekeeper, Green-veined White, Large White, Meadow Brown, Peacock, Ringlet, Small Skipper, Small White, Speckled Wood. Moth: Silver Y. Damselflies: … Continue reading

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JMNR butterfly transect 15th August 2015

Week 20. Paul Beard recorded 43 butterflies: 2 Comma, 14 Gatekeeper, 15 Green-veined White, 3 Meadow Brown, 6 Peacock, 2 Small Skipper, 1 Small White. In addition a female Migrant Hawker was seen resting on bramble in section 3.

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Moth Trapping JMNR 11th August 2015

This gallery contains 2 photos.

The trap was set up near Bottom Pond on the evening of 11th August and emptied after 7:30 am the following morning. Recorders: N Mahadevan, Steve Plant, Bill Grange. Not a very big catch but it was good to find … Continue reading

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JMNR Sightings 9th August 2015

John Parlby reported seeing the first Banded Demoiselle of the year.

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JMNR sightings 8th August 2015

Early morning after emptying the moth trap: Chiffchaff, Blackbird, Woodpigeon, Goldfinch, Bullfinch, Moorhen, Whitethroat, Blue tit. Gatekeeper, GV White, Meadow Brown, 2 Small Copper, Small Skipper, Small Tortoiseshell, Comma, Peacock. Common Carpet. Southern Hawker, Brown Hawker, Common Darter, Emerald damselfly, … Continue reading

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